10 Tips for Getting Your Child Ready for School : During the summer break kids completely forget about school. They spend their days playing, staying up late, and enjoying the sun. All those productive habits that they’ve been building over the year just go out of the window. So, how to get them back to school?
Making some changes in their daily routine before the school starts will get them ready. In that way, they won’t struggle as much when the school starts. For that purpose, you should check out these useful tips that will prepare your child for Starting primary school.
Wake Them Up Earlier
Alarms at 7 a.m. can be children’s worst nightmare. Especially if they aren’t used to waking up that early. To avoid morning fights and tug of war over their warm blanket, slowly ease them into waking up early.
For example, if they usually wake up at 9 a.m., start waking them up around 8.30. They should wake up at that time for a few days and then move it again for half an hour earlier and so on. This technique will eliminate that shock of drastically changing the wake-up time.
Get Them to Bed in a Decent Hour
Getting enough sleep is essential for children. Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. On the other hand, not getting enough sleep can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and even depression.
Getting enough sleep is essential for children Since you’ve been waking your child earlier, that also means that their bedtime will change. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following amount of sleep:
- Children 3-5 years old: 10-13 hours
- Children 6-12 years old: 9-12 hours
- Teenagers 13-18 years old: 8-10 hours
Practice Writing with Them
Many children find writing to be the most difficult skill to master. Practice can help them improve their writing speed and style. Spearing 10 minutes a day to write something will do the trick. Just make sure that you don’t overwhelm them with writing tasks as that can create a contra effect.
There are different fun writing activities that your child can engage in. For example, get them a journal to write their daily activities in or start writing a list of things you are grateful for each day.
Read for Fun
Read for Fun Children should know that reading isn’t boring or tedious. To eliminate the wrong association with reading, buy some fun books that your child would love. If your little boy likes trains find a book about that or if your little girl loves nature buy her an interesting and educational book on such a topic.
It’s important to buy your child books that match their interest. That’s the best way to get them excited about reading and eventually, make a habit of it.
Find Educational Games
Give your child some toddlers games that will challenge them to think. Aim for the games will enhance their logic, improve their memory, or get them to practice math. Since children love games, why not get them educational ones?
Find Educational Games There are lots of online games that encourage kids to use their minds. You can also come up with some games on your own or play the usual ones such as Tic-Tac-Toe. “I highly recommend that parents support games that demand logic and thinking. Games like that enhance cognitive development in children and they have fun along the way,” says Estelle Leotard, a teacher and contributor writer at Bestessayseducation.com.
Reduce Screen Time
Lots of screen time can have many negative effects on children. It can cause addiction, reduce the quality of sleep, decrease children’s attention span, and make them less interactive.
Limit your child’s screen time and refocus them on other activities such as reading, writing, and exploring. Instead of spending hours in front of the screen, they can play with other kids and spend time outside.
Go Shopping for Supplies
Getting new supplies is the favorite part of going back to school for many kids. Do you remember that excitement? Beautiful notebooks, colorful pens, markers, and possibly even a new bag will get your child all excited for a new school year.
As trivial as these things seem, that’s what makes children happy. You don’t need to go buying expensive supplies. The basics such as notebooks and crayons will get your child’s mind ready for school.
Set Realistic Expectations
High expectations can put too much pressure on kids. While having no expectations can make them careless. The key is to find the balance. That is, have expectations that meet your child’s needs.
Expecting that your child should have straight A’s or study each day for hours will suffocate them. The kind of expectations that will encourage your child to do good is stating that you’ll be proud if they are diligent and if they give their best.
Organize Playdates with Kids from Schools
Organize Playdates with Kids from Schools Friendships and social relationships play a big role in a child’s behavior towards school. If they have good friends among their peers they will be so excited to go back. If not, going back to school can be really hard on them.
While you can’t influence the connections they establish in school, you can help them make friendships at home. You should set playdates with kids from their class to give them a chance to create closer relationships outside of school. This can be especially helpful if your child is shy.
Get Them Excited About School
Your enthusiasm and excitement can rub off on your child. Show them that school isn’t something they should fear or be intimidated by. Share your personal stories from school to give them an idea of how great school can be.
Talk to them about all the stuff they can accomplish if they do good in school. Also, find out if there is a subject that they are great at and talk about it with your child. When they see that you have a positive attitude towards the school they’ll believe that school is something to look forward to.
Going back to school usually causes more stress for parents than for children. You are the one who’ll be worried if they don’t wake up on time, miss their buss, or have trouble with their homework. That’s why preparing your child for school is equally beneficial for your child and you. These simple tips will help your child establish productive habits and get back into a routine.
About the Author: Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Now she works as a freelance writer at TrustMyPaper, she also does some editing at ClassyEssay.
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