3 Surefire Ways To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

3 Surefire Ways To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals : Everyone has different motivations for losing weight, whether it be because of a doctor’s recommendation, personal health concerns, or a desire to look and feel confident. The health market is so littered with fad diets, quick fixes, and false promises that it’s hard to know where to begin.

Every person is unique, so the best way to approach weight loss should be tailored to the specific needs of each individual. If you’re confused by the onslaught of weight loss solutions out there, check out this list of reliable methods to shed those extra pounds and become the healthiest version of yourself.

  1. Control Your Appetite

    If you’ve tried calorie counting or restrictive eating in the past and have been left starving, grumpy, and unsatisfied, you may need to consider a more permanent solution. Fortunately, a safe and effective medical procedure could give you the results you’ve always dreamed of, with no enduring changes to your body: the gastric balloon. No surgery is required. A gastric balloon specialist in Tampa will insert the balloon via an endoscopy (you will be mildly sedated for this, so you won’t even feel it) and fill it with silicone to the desired size. The process takes about 30 minutes, and you can go home the same day.

    The idea behind the gastric balloon is pretty simple: Once the balloon is inflated, it takes up space in your stomach, tricking your body into thinking it’s full. You’ll feel more sated even though you’re eating substantially less. The best part is the balloon can be left in for up to six months, giving you plenty of time to reach your weight loss goals. At the end of the period – or sooner if you wish – the balloon is removed in a procedure similar to the insertion, and you can quickly resume your regular activities with newfound confidence.

  2. Take a Walk

    You may think that waking up at 4 a.m. and running 10 miles before you start your day is an effective way to lose weight. Granted, if you do this, you’ll more than likely drop some pounds, but for most people, this is way too drastic to do every day. Plus, running is very harsh on your joints and could lead to long-term problems.

    Unless you’re training for a marathon, you’re probably on the lookout for a more sustainable solution. It sounds simple, but a nice brisk walk several times a week is enough for most people to lose weight and maintain that loss. Start gradually, and increase the pace and distance as you are able. The moral of the story is you don’t have to become a fitness freak to meet your goals.

  3. Alleviate Stress

    Stress is another critical factor that prevents weight loss and, in severe cases, can even contribute to weight gain. When you are stressed out, your body releases cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone enables the body to perform under pressure, but if you’re stressed constantly, your body can get “stuck” in fight or flight mode, which is detrimental to your weight loss goals and overall health. To combat this, try some de-stressing techniques, see what works for you, and add them to your daily routine.


Gentle exercise releases endorphins, which help you to feel good and halt cortisol production. A brisk walk is not only great exercise but also a stress reducer. Bring along your partner or a good friend; you’ll be too busy chatting and having fun to notice that you’re exercising.

Yoga is another healthy way to calm yourself while still getting some physical activity for the day. The gentle movements, together with breathwork, calm your mind and stretch tension out of your muscles, allowing stress to melt away.


Other techniques, such as journaling, meditating, or relaxing in a nice hot bath, can also help combat stress by clearing the mind. Adding these practices to your routine, in addition to your exercises and other changes to your lifestyle, will keep you on track and mentally focused.

Preparing to lose weight can be daunting, and maintaining that loss and sticking with a new routine can be equally challenging. But there is help. Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to your doctor about what would best benefit your unique body. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to your best self.



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3 Surefire Ways To Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

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