3 Ways To Make Your Fashion Sustainable

3 Ways To Make Your Fashion Sustainable : Sustainability is a trending topic and the fashion industry is more and more associated with fast-paced production cycles, an abundance of throwaway clothing, and a general lack of concern for the environment. But things are changing fast.

The drive for a more sustainable world is having a significant impact on the fashion sector, particularly when it comes to creating new materials, manufacturing processes, and consumption habits that have a significantly lower environmental impact. As consumers, we have the power to improve the situation, and actually, there are plenty of ways to make your own wardrobe more sustainable.

Ditch the fast fashion

Ditch the fast fashion
Ditch the fast fashion

If there’s one thing that’s become synonymous with the fashion industry, it’s fast fashion — clothes churned out at lightning speed with very little concern for the environment. While some major brands like H&M and Zara are attempting to change this reputation and produce more eco-friendly clothing, it’s important to note that many brands still fall short of sustainable standards. So, instead of buying disposable clothing that will likely end up in the dump after a few wears, opt for durable, long-lasting pieces that you can keep for years to come.

Buying less in general is also a simple way to reduce your impact on the environment. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation — which works to promote a new era of sustainable growth — our obsession with having more is one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

Go for eco-friendly fabrics

Go for eco-friendly fabrics
Go for eco-friendly fabrics

As the fashion industry increasingly embraces sustainable production practices, a number of new eco-friendly fabrics are making their way into the mainstream. Organic cotton is one of the most popular options. It’s grown without the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides, which reduces carbon emissions and water usage. Furthermore, it’s often grown in soil that’s been treated with compost and other organic materials, helping to improve the quality of the soil.

Another popular eco-friendly fabric is bamboo. Bamboo is an extremely versatile material that’s been used in everything from clothing to construction materials for years. It also has many eco-friendly characteristics. For example, bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world, and it can be harvested and turned into fabric in less than a year.

Support sustainable brands

Support sustainable brands
Support sustainable brands

Not only is shopping for sustainable brands an easy way to make your wardrobe more eco-friendly, it can also help you to reduce your carbon footprint too. There are some great online directories that show how sustainable brands are rated, including Goodweave and the Ethical Fashion Guide. They show which brands are doing the most for the environment and the people who make their products.

When you buy from sustainable brands, you’re not only making your own wardrobe more sustainable, you’re also helping to create a positive change in the entire industry. Sustainable brands like Vipop often use eco-friendly fabrics, produce fewer carbon emissions during production, and have a positive impact on their workers and the local communities where their products are made.


The fashion industry is a multi-billion-dollar sector that has a significant impact on the health of our planet. With the global population expected to reach nearly 10 billion people by 2050, the world will need to source 70% more food, 50% more water and 20% more energy. The fashion industry contributes to all three of these challenges, as it is a key user of resources and a source of pollution. By shifting away from the use of natural resources and towards the use of recycled materials, the fashion industry can make a big impact on the environment.




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3 Ways To Make Your Fashion Sustainable

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