Maintaining Sex Life After Having Children

Maintaining Sex Life After Having Children : Life after marriage is like reincarnation. You come back from office, have dinner and then ensure that your kids are sleeping in their rooms. By the time these tasks are completed, you’re half lost in dreams. Pillow talks are not pragmatic anymore. Priorities have changed.

If this is happening a lot lately, you need to recall the fun times of past and try to give yourself a breathable change.

Maintaining sex life after kids is mandatory because intimacy is important for any relationship to work. So, why not take some tips and be a pro in this? Yes! To get you through the pain of not being able to manage kids and sex life together, we have some rules that you must abide by.

  • Planning

    Yes! Plan it! You might have heard that intimacy comes with flow. And, you simply cannot plan your sex dates. But once you have some kids around, better plan it. Keep a track of time when the kids are not around and you don’t have other business to finish.

    Plan the time when you are not under any family obligation. Do not keep your intimacy at the bottom of your priority list.

  • Keep a Check on Doors

    Children do not understand privacy much! They are not used to knock doors before entering. So, you better lock it. We understand that your kids are sleeping and there is no chance of them getting up. However, you never know. Let’s just keep it locked in order to safeguard against surprise visits.

    Also, this will give you some time to get back to your normal self before the kid enters the room, scarring his/her eyes otherwise.

  • Surprise Notes

    Surprise notes or cute reminders are a must to keep the spark alive like before. Recall how during your dating days, you used to send cute messages with hidden signs of affinity. You need to revive that.

    Put a note in his/her computer table’s drawer or keep it on the towel. Sometimes, keep it in the briefcase or text some cute message with quite a visible display of the agenda, *wink*

    This will bring a smile on their face and will urge him/her to finish the work obligations as soon as possible.

  • Let the Kids Doze Off

    Ensure that your kids sleep on time or sometimes before the bedtime. Read that story and make them sleep in their room.

    After they sleep, you can get into action. You can the have some personal time with your loved one without worrying much about the kids. And hey, sleeping early is actually good for them, right!

  • Babysitters & Kids’ Day Out

    You need some mind relaxation and some alone time with your partner as well. So, you can do both at the same time by hiring a certified babysitter with good reviews and track record, or by sending kids to your parents or responsible friends.

    This will also work as an outing for your kids. So, all three things at once. Ensure you plan this and it is not spontaneous. Otherwise, it may create a mess in everyone’s schedule. Plan it thoroughly and make your kids feel excited about the same. If they feel sad about that, maybe they are not comfortable with the people and thus, always plan and talk first, only then execute.

Don’t Put Your Marriage on the Backburner After Having Babies

These were the 5 tips that they may work like wonders for you. Going for late night parties or a busy schedule, you can keep up the intimacy level with consistent efforts. Follow these tips and see the difference!




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Maintaining Sex Life After Having Children

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