Healthy Fiber Rich Foods

Healthy Fiber Rich Foods : Fiber. It is something our bodies need, and most people know they need to get enough of it into their diets, but very few people are. The fact is, Americans are seriously fiber deficient and it shows in the surge of diseases afflicting the people in our country.

High fiber foods can help prevent cancer, heart disease, kidney stones, and more. Plus they help promote a healthy digestive system. And for those seeking to shed some weight, fiber helps keep you feeling fuller longer.

It is not just enough to pour yourself a bowl of fortified cereal in the morning. While it has fiber, it is not even close to the amount your body needs. Plus, it is full of plenty of other junk you do not need. Instead, take note of these fiber-filled foods that will have you getting the right intake of fiber in no time.

1. Berries

Berries, particularly raspberries and blackberries, are a sweet and satisfying way to get your fiber intake. Blackberries have plenty of vitamin K which increases bone density. Raspberries have a high level of manganese that not only helps healthy bones but also leads to beautiful skin and maintains a steady blood sugar level. Top them on your cereal or non-fat Greek yogurt for a breakfast treat.

2. Avocado

Florida avocados have much more fiber than their Californian counterparts. But eating avocados from either place will help you bring in more fiber for your body along with more vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin K, and potassium.

Additionally, all avocados are full of the kinds of healthy fats your body needs to reduce your risk for heart disease and help lower cholesterol. So go ahead and order that extra side of guacamole.

3. Coconut

In Asia, coconuts are a major staple in the daily diet. These countries have lower incidents of heart disease and high cholesterol. Coconut has a bundle of healthy benefits waiting for you beneath its tough exterior. It is also easy to work into your diet. It has nearly 6 times the amount of fiber of oat bran.

Cooking and baking with coconut flour can help you work it into your diet. You can also top a salad with coconut shreds and find other creative ways to work it in. With plenty of fiber, omega-6 fatty acids, and selenium, coconut is a delicious way to reap the healthy benefits of these nutrients.

4. Artichokes

It is one of the most uniquely delicious vegetables out there and comes loaded with every vitamin and mineral imaginable. One medium artichoke can provide almost the entire daily required fiber intake for women.

Add them to salads or enjoy them by themselves for a delicious dose of fiber.

5. Turnips

Most Americans have no idea how to use a turnip. They are seldom used in American cuisine, but lately, many chefs are making it trendy again.

This fiber-full food is great for raw snacking. It also makes a healthier option for fries. Turnip fries are just as tasty as their potato counterparts.

6. Okra

Okra is a staple of southern cooking. It is perfect to sneak into stews and soups for an extra punch of fiber, vitamins, riboflavin, niacin, iron, and more.

Additionally, it is one of the top calcium-rich foods you can possibly eat.

7. Black beans

Love black beans and rice? Good.

Keep eating it because black beans are full of protein and fiber. They also have a huge flavonoid and antioxidant content.

8. Lima beans

Lima beans are one of the most fiber-filled beans out there. In addition to being filling, they provide folate, phosphorous, and B vitamins, just to name a few.

For some, lima beans are a less palatable option than black beans. Cooking them into soups will help you enjoy their benefits in a tasty way.

9. Chia seeds

This superfood has been making headlines for its star lineup of nutrients. Fiber and protein rich, it also boasts a hefty profile of calcium, manganese, phosphorous, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Try chia seeds in a smoothie pudding for a delicious way to start your day that will keep you full until lunch.

10. Nuts

Nuts are heart-healthy and filling, perfect for snacking. But almonds and walnuts are the best ones you can go for when trying to get more fiber into your day. Grab a handful and munch away and you will be on your way to satisfying your body’s need for fiber.

Try some of these fiber-rich foods today. There is no end to the ways you can enjoy them. What are some of your favorite ways to use these fiber rich foods? Tell us!


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Healthy Fiber Rich Foods


Healthy Fiber Rich Foods

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