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Showing 15 of 44 Results

Neurological issues may drive common voice disorders

Neurological issues may drive common voice disorders : Hyperfunctional voice disorders (HVDs) are hard to describe but easy to hear. People with the condition produce a grab-bag of forms of unusual voice behaviors that make them more difficult to follow. Nodules on the vocal cords may trigger the condition, but it may linger after the nodules are removed by surgery. Voice […]

Trial of Experimental Chikungunya Vaccine Begins

Trial of Experimental Chikungunya Vaccine Begins : A clinical trial of an experimental vaccine to prevent infection with chikungunya virus is now enrolling healthy adult volunteers at sites in the United States. The Phase 1/2 trial, which is sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is being conducted at […]

Kids’ heart health focus of new research

Kids’ heart health focus of new research : Experts say that helping children maintain ideal cardiovascular health is more effective than taking a wait-and-see approach and treating disease in adulthood. The aim of the AHA’s Strategically Focused Research Network for children is to help reach that goal through studies looking at childhood obesity, maintaining ideal heart health, congenital heart disease and […]

Alkaline Diets and Kidney Disease

Alkaline Diets and Kidney Disease : Many dangerous fad diets exist that purport to treat diseases such as cancer by manipulating the pH of blood with different foods. While there is no good evidence that acidic foods alter the body’s pH and promote disease, the hypothesis that “dietary acid load” relates to disease should not be completely dismissed. The kidney serves […]

How diet may affect age-related macular degeneration

How diet may affect age-related macular degeneration : Near the center of the retina, at the back of the eye, is a small area known as the macula. The macula is needed for sharp, central vision, such as for seeing straight ahead to drive, read, and recognize faces. More than 2 million Americans have age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It’s a leading […]

Antibodies from Ebola survivor could lead to treatments and vaccines

Antibodies from Ebola survivor could lead to treatments and vaccines : The 2013-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa highlighted the need for an effective treatment or vaccine. Researchers have been making progress on several fronts, but many scientific and logistical challenges loom.

Making artificial ovaries

Making artificial ovaries : Eggs are produced in the ovary within follicles. After an egg matures, the follicle releases it from the ovary and it passes to the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by sperm. Follicles also make hormones, which travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

Organizations fund more than $550,000 in heart defect research

Organizations fund more than $550,000 in heart defect research : Five research programs are receiving a total of $561,798 to fund congenital heart defect research, the American Heart Association and The Children’s Heart Foundation announced Tuesday.

Flushing Kidney Stones

Flushing Kidney Stones : Have you ever heard that passing a kidney stone is more painful than giving birth? Each year, more than 1 million people in the U.S. rush to the emergency room with pain caused by a kidney stone.

Just one alcoholic drink a day increases breast cancer risk, exercise lowers risk

Just one alcoholic drink a day increases breast cancer risk, exercise lowers risk : “It can be confusing with single studies when the findings get swept back and forth,” said Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD, a lead author of the report and cancer prevention expert at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Why our brain cells may prevent us burning fat when we’re dieting

Why our brain cells may prevent us burning fat when we’re dieting : “Weight loss strategies are often inefficient because the body works like a thermostat and couples the amount of calories we burn to the amount of calories we eat,” says Dr Clémence Blouet from the Metabolic Research Laboratories at University of Cambridge. “When we eat less, our body compensates […]

Toward an HIV Cure: Team Develops Test to Detect Hidden HIV Virus

Toward an HIV Cure: Team Develops Test to Detect Hidden HIV Virus : The quest to develop a cure for HIV has long been plagued by a seemingly simple question: How do doctors determine if someone is cured? The virus has a knack for lying dormant in immune cells at levels undetectable to all but the most expensive and time-consuming tests.

Answering your questions about cancer, inflammation, and immunity

Questions about cancer, inflammation, and immunity : Last week, Cell Press hosted a webinar on cancer, inflammation, and immunity, which is now on demand. In it, expert scientists Douglas Fearon and Mikala Egeblad, both from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, presented some of their recent research. Specifically, they discussed the complex interplay between cancer cells, immune cells and host physiology, highlighting […]