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Showing 15 of 77 Results

‘Silent seizures’ discovered in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

‘Silent seizures’ discovered in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: Deep in the brains of two patients with Alzheimer’s disease, the main memory structure, the hippocampus, displays episodic seizure-like electrical activity. These non-convulsive hippocampal seizures are the first signs of ‘silent’ brain electrical network dysfunction described in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Oxygen improves blood flow, restores more function in spinal cord injuries

Oxygen improves blood flow, restores more function in spinal cord injuries: A new discovery at the University of Alberta will fundamentally alter how we view spinal cord function and rehabilitation after spinal cord injuries. Neuroscientists found that spinal blood flow in rats was unexpectedly compromised long after a spinal cord injury (chronically ischemia), and that improving blood flow or simply inhaling […]