after pregnancy

4 Results

How Having a C-Section Affects Your Sex Life

Not-so-great news for moms who’ve gone through this procedure. Ask any new mom what sex was like once her doctor gave her the go-ahead to get back in the saddle (typically about six weeks after birth), and she’ll probably cop to it not being the best ever—due to new-mom fatigue, perhaps, or vaginal dryness caused by breastfeeding-induced hormone changes.

Foods You Should Avoid When Breastfeeding

We all know that some foods are not good for our body, especially if you are a breastfeeding mom. We are adult and our bodies are stronger, and sometimes we didn’t even notice bad effect, but babies can feel them all. Some infants become too nervous or feel discomfort in their stomach. You must always pay attention to what you […]

Remember When You Want to Get a Flat Stomach

Every woman wants to get a flat belly so that she can feel and look great, but many aren’t sure how to achieve it. The constant infomercials, gimmicks and fads create an even bigger desire for every person to achieve the awesome abs they watch and read about. I can surely say that it’s possible to get a flat stomach, […]