blood sugar

7 Results

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You?

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You? Here’s the sweetest spot on the thermostat. Ask any insomniac about the perils of a hot pillow: When you’re trying to sleep, your brain loves the cold. Wearing a cooling cap helped insomniacs snooze almost as well as people without sleep problems, found a study from the University of Pittsburgh School […]

Steps to Reset Your Diet After a Holiday Binge

First step: start today If, despite every intention of balance and moderation you completely overindulged on Thanksgiving, don’t panic. While a gluttonous holiday may leave you feeling sluggish and heavy, the truth is that a handful of simple strategies can help you undo the damage and get back on track fast. Here are six tried and true steps to help […]

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Though the roster of “superfoods” is filled with names that many people outside of nutritional circles are probably not too familiar with, most of us know and love the common blueberry. This popular, sweet little berry is packed with important nutrients, and can be a great contribution to overall good health.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse that provides incredible health benefits when included in your daily eating plan. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, thiamin, magnesium, niacin, copper and phosphorus, which are all essential to maintain good health. One of the best things about tomatoes is that they are naturally low in cholesterol, saturated fat, […]

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in healthy saturated fats, can boost your energy levels and is an excellent addition to your healthy diet. Many people think that coconut oil is one of the less healthy fats that can lead to heart disease! But this is actually untrue! Coconut oil is not only good for your skin and hair, but also for […]

Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

Looking for a healthy alternative to your favorite brown rice? Have you ever tried red rice? This healthy whole grain boasts a soft texture and nutty flavor, and goes well with almost every meat and vegetable. You can also serve it as a salad and pilaf. Red rice is high in fiber and iron, and it is also fat-free. Red […]

Great Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Have you ever wondered what the health benefits of cinnamon are? This great spice is good for almost anything that ails you! Even if you don’t like cinnamon, I’m sure that knowing some of the health benefits of cinnamon will convince you to add a little of the spice into your daily diet! Check out a few great health benefits […]