
Showing 15 of 79 Results

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years

See How Much the Perfect Female Body Has Changed Over 100 Years : If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for this actress’s waist or that singer’s legs, remember this: The silhouette of the “ideal woman” changes year over year, so the physical qualities we embrace today are often at odds with those from previous generations.

Ever Had A Vaginal Orgasm?

5 moves to make it happen Routines are easy to come by in relationships—and that’s especially true in the bedroom, where it’s all too easy to bypass adventure in favor of the tried and true moves. But it may be worth trying a few pleasure-boosting changes to your regularly scheduled romp: A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual […]

Why Are Some Guys So Obsessed with Butt Play?

Experts explain his preoccupation with your tush. The butt is definitely having a moment: Nicki Minaj exists, yoga pants are a thing, and women everywhere are squatting their way to more shapely backsides.

Undeniable Reasons to Walk Outside Every Day

Most of us overlook great advantages of walking outside daily. We spend a lot of time in the office in front of our computers, forgetting that there are so many beautiful things outside. Even if you run every morning, it’s not enough to be outside in nature. Walking outside is one of the most nurturing, healthy and calming things to […]

Feel More Beautiful Today

If you’re looking for simple ways to feel more beautiful today, I can point you in the right direction. Feeling beautiful goes hand-in-hand with your level of self-esteem and these ways will help you with that. You should never feel badly about yourself since there’s definitely something beautiful about you. Follow these tips to feel more beautiful today and see […]

Should I Eat Before or After a Workout?

Experts answer the great exercise question of our time Short answer: Both. Long answer: How and when to fuel your body is the same for all exercisers to some extent, but your routine may warrant a few nutritional tweaks, says Dr. Nancy Cohen, head of the department of nutrition at the University of Massachusetts.

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You?

Is Sleeping In a Cold Room Better For You? Here’s the sweetest spot on the thermostat. Ask any insomniac about the perils of a hot pillow: When you’re trying to sleep, your brain loves the cold. Wearing a cooling cap helped insomniacs snooze almost as well as people without sleep problems, found a study from the University of Pittsburgh School […]

Things Every Twentysomething Should Know About Her Body

1. The woman you’re most jealous of is jealous of someone else’s body. She may even be jealous of yours! I swear this is a thing. The grass is always greener, even Cara Delevingne is probably like, “I wish I had her eyebrows.” I don’t know who that would be but I’m sure she does. 2. Someone else would kill […]

Cope with the Winter Blues

If you suffer a downer during the winter months, there are a few ways to cope with the winter blues. No matter what the weather is doing and how gloomy your family, friends and coworkers may be, try to stay positive and enjoy this wonderful season to the fullest. If you have trouble dealing with the winter blues, here are […]

Reasons Tea Is Good for You

Tea or coffee? Consider these health benefits of tea and the next time you have to choose, you may skip the joe. Put down those saucer cups and get chugging — tea is officially awesome for your health. But before loading up on Red Zinger, make sure that your “tea” is actually tea. Real tea is derived from a particular […]

Looking Great in Photographs

Want to know secret tips and tricks for looking great in every photo? Today we’re on a journey to discovering the secrets to look perfect in photographs. You don’t have to be a famous model or celeb and you don’t have to be perfectly beautiful to take a perfect picture. There are many experts who have created a set of […]