
14 Results

Mothers of IVF babies at increased risk of digestive disease

Women who give birth to babies using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) are at increased risk of a chronic digestive disease, says a new study. The researchers from Turkey compared two groups of women who had given birth to their first child at least one year earlier and found that those who had had IVF were three-times more likely to be diagnosed […]

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum : Nowadays many people are easily prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Our eating habits and lifestyle could be the main reasons for it. To control or reverse it there are many natural remedies and recently capsicum has been added to that list. The scientists at the CSIR- Indian Institute […]

Fabulous Reasons to Fall in Love with Mangoes

Sweet and delicious mangoes are an incredibly healthy fruit worth eating every day. Mangoes are packed with essential nutrients and vitamins, and provide a great number of health benefits. You can add this fruit to numerous dishes, including smoothies, stir-fry, salads, or simply eat it as a healthy snack. Include those ripe and juicy mangoes in your everyday diet and […]

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Though the roster of “superfoods” is filled with names that many people outside of nutritional circles are probably not too familiar with, most of us know and love the common blueberry. This popular, sweet little berry is packed with important nutrients, and can be a great contribution to overall good health.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Also known as pitaya, a dragon fruit is becoming a favorite fruit of many people these days. It has plenty of health benefits that you may not even know about. Dragon fruits are packed with vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, and essential minerals including phosphorus, iron, and calcium. One fruit contains about 60 calories and it’s the great news […]

Healthy Reasons to Eat Strawberries

The red, heart-shaped fruits, strawberries are not only tasty, but they’re also rich in essential nutrients that offer plenty of amazing health benefits. Even though the small woodland strawberries were renowned since Roman times, the first garden strawberries were grown in France during the late eighteenth century. Strawberries are very low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, though they contain […]

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Most of you have probably heard of the numerous health benefits of hemp seeds. It is a popular superfood that is worth your money and time. Hemp seeds are an excellent source of protein, and they’re also great for detox and health. Hemp seeds are easy to use; you can add them to any dish you usually make. One or […]

Reasons to Eat Carrots Every Day

It is well known that all the vegetables are useful for us. But do you know why we should eat carrots every day? I’ve always thought that it is good to know why foods are useful for us and it is highly important to eat vegetables and know why we eat them. Take a look at the reasons to eat […]

Ginger Is Good for Your Health

There are so many people who like ginger, but unfortunately most of them even don’t guess that it has numerous health benefits. Do you love the taste of ginger? What do you know about it? You can find this root in different colors like red, yellow or white. People use ginger for various purposes. It can be added to tea […]

Foods That Cause Acne

It is important to include healthy foods into our daily menu. We know a lot of such foods and their positive impact on our body is undeniable. Surely, we try to consume these foods at every opportunity, but to our great disappointment, some foods can be useful for one part of our body and at the same time dangerous for […]

Health Benefits of Parsnips

Did you know that the consumption of parsnips has some great health benefits? Parsnips contain essential nutrients and minerals that our body need, that’s why it’s recommended to eat them on a regular basis. Parsnips look like carrots, but they are rich in fiber. Here are a few amazing health benefits of eating parsnips.

Health Benefits of Sushi

While eating a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy, it’s also useful to know some incredible health benefits of sushi. I love sushi and I have a hard time turning down it because it’s so tasty. Sure, not all types of sushi are good options for your health, but if you mix and match ingredients […]

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in healthy saturated fats, can boost your energy levels and is an excellent addition to your healthy diet. Many people think that coconut oil is one of the less healthy fats that can lead to heart disease! But this is actually untrue! Coconut oil is not only good for your skin and hair, but also for […]