heart attack

3 Results

Sleep No Matter How Busy You Are

Nowadays our life is incredibly busy and full of different events. Due to a large amount of work we have to plan thoroughly every hour of our working day. Being short of time we constantly forget about things that are really important to us. For example, our sleep is one of these things. We are human beings and we can’t […]

Know about the Birth Control Pill

Every woman knows that the pill is among the most effective ways of birth control, but have you ever thought about problems connected with taking the pill? In fact, there are many of them! Unfortunately, sometimes doctors don’t tell women about the bad sides of such medicine. The problem is that most women are interested only in a positive result […]

Risk Factors of Heart Disease

It is common knowledge that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world and the number one cause of death in the United States. Obesity, smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise are well documented as major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, there are a number of other seemingly unrelated conditions that may […]