High Blood Pressure

8 Results

How much do you know your heart?

How much do you know your heart – Here is a little list of heart-related factoids that you must be aware of… Our heart is one of the most important organs in our body and most of us only have a vague knowledge about it and do not know more about it than the fact that our heart pumps blood. […]

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure : Is your teenage son/daughter obese? Well, it’s time to make him/her adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent the chances of high blood pressure. Losing weight might be a little difficult, but having high blood pressure later in life will be much more difficult.

Obvious and Not So Obvious Dangers of Stress

Most people are trying to balance work, family and a social life, but sometimes it’s really hard to do. That’s why most of them have a tendency to get stressed and anxious. Some dangers of stress can be obvious, like you will be extremely tired, but others affect your internal organs and have a bad effect on your health. Check […]

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure : High blood pressure is one of those diseases that can do harm to the body over the course of years without ever creating a single symptom in the victim. Causes of this illness vary. Tobacco use, alcohol, lack of exercise, weight, family history, and/or age can all be factors in the development of […]

Bring Your Blood Pressure Down Naturally

We all know that positive lifestyle changes can improve our lives in many ways. But, did you know that there are simple changes you can make that can help bring your blood pressure down naturally? Reducing stress and toxins, in addition to improving your diet can go a long way towards taking your numbers where they need to go.

High Blood Pressure – Hypertension

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a risk factor that can increase your chance of developing heart disease, a stroke, and other serious conditions. As a rule, the higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk. Treatment includes a change in lifestyle risk factors where these can be improved.

What Having High Blood Pressure Means For Your Brain Later On

To stay sharp in your 70s, 80s, and beyond, keep your BP in check now. Compared to those with healthy blood pressure levels, adults who have high blood pressure during midlife are more likely to have lower cognitive performance and memory in old age, finds a new study published in the journal Neurology.