home improvement

4 Results

Things to Throw Away to Boost Your Health

We all strive to become and stay healthy, but with a host of harmful things, this goal is really hard to achieve. Eating healthy food, drinking plain water and working out each day are certainly healthy habits, but some household items and pieces of clothing could be slowly killing your overall health. Check out what you should throw away today […]

Little Tricks to Make Your Home Smell Great

Every home can sometimes smell a bit funky no matter the reason. While many people buy air fresheners, there are a few frugal and more natural ways to make your home smell great. Some of these ways are quick and easy and others are more of a surprise, but they really work. Follow these 8 tips and tricks to keep […]

Biggest Enemies of Your Washer

Whether you know it or not, your washer has enemies; enemies that are bent on its destruction. If you are not careful, your enemies can cause serious damage to your washer, which will result in costly repairs. Here are a few threats to your washer and how to prevent them from causing damage.

Bright Ideas for Using Christmas Lights

Every year we use Christmas lights in the same way when the festive time is coming. We take them out of the boxes and string on the windows, porches and trees. Lots of tiny lights beautifully decorate our homes for a week or two and after we pack them carefully to wait for the next year. We repeat the same […]