how to be mentally healthy and happy

3 Results

8 Habits to Improve Mental Health in No Time

8 Habits to Improve Mental Health in No Time : Mental health is a state of emotional and mental wellness that allows us to live a fulfilling life. The World Health Organization says that mental health is more than the absence of mental disease. A mentally healthy person can cope with daily stresses, earn a living, and contribute to their community.

9 Effective Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

9 Effective Ways To Improve Your Mental Health : Mental health is a stigma that we need to remove from our society, and this can be achieved only by talking about it. Every third person today is dealing with mental trauma, in one form or the other. More often than not, they are not paid attention to or not considered an […]

Take Care of Your Mental Health

It’s impossible to have a healthy body if you don’t take care of your mind. There’s a direct connection between mental and physical well-being that’s why it’s strongly recommended to keep both systems in balance. Good mental health helps you enjoy your life and gives power and inspiration to cope with difficulties. It’s necessary to work and try something new […]