
Showing 15 of 24 Results

Key tips for Setting effective and Successful Weight Loss Goals

When we aim to lose weight, we need to use a concentrated approach to help prevent setbacks and delays. In order to be at the top with your weight loss goals, you must have a weight loss mindset. Thus, setting a realistic weight loss goal is one of the most efficient ways to ensure that we are taking appropriate steps […]

Possible obesity gene discovered

Possible obesity gene discovered : Scientists have discovered a gene that plays an important role in causing obesity. The gene encodes a protein responsible for production and growth of fat cells, showed the findings that point the way to a possible drug therapy for obesity.

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum : Nowadays many people are easily prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Our eating habits and lifestyle could be the main reasons for it. To control or reverse it there are many natural remedies and recently capsicum has been added to that list. The scientists at the CSIR- Indian Institute […]

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year

Surgery to help Iraqi man shed up to 151 kg in one year : Ali Saddam, who weighed 301 kg and was touted as Iraq’s heaviest man, says he feels ‘lighter’ after doctors at BLK Super Speciality Hospital conducted a sleeve gastrectomy that will enable him to shed up to 151 kg over 12 months. For years, the 43-year-old had […]

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure

Teenage obesity could lead to high blood pressure : Is your teenage son/daughter obese? Well, it’s time to make him/her adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent the chances of high blood pressure. Losing weight might be a little difficult, but having high blood pressure later in life will be much more difficult.

Ways to Minimize Stubborn Face Fat

Tone up from the neck up! Maybe you’ve put on a few pounds “all in your face.” Or maybe you’ve lost weight, but your face hasn’t gotten the memo. What’s behind the round cheeks and chubby chin?

Obesity May Shorten Life Expectancy by Up to 8 Years

Young obese people are at most risk A new study has found that obesity can shorten one’s life by almost a decade. Researchers at McGill University linked obesity with an increased risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes — ailments that dramatically reduce both life expectancy and the number of years spent free of chronic illnesses.

Obesity Now Costs the World $2 Trillion a Year

Obesity Now Costs the World $2 Trillion a Year : Half the world’s population could be obese by 2030, warns a McKinsey Global Institute report The global cost of obesity has risen to $2 trillion annually, according to a new report, more than the combined costs of armed violence, war and terrorism.

Reasons You’re Always Hungry

It’s quite natural to be hungry when you don’t eat for a long time and do lots of physical exercises. This feeling is really bothering. When you are hungry, you can’t work, study and do plenty of other things because you are obsessed with the desire to eat something. But sometimes you may be hungry no matter how much and […]

Shrink Your Waistline

If you are looking for quick and effective ways to shrink your waistline in a week to get ready for bikini season, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t have to try new diets, starve yourself every day, and spend hours at the gym to reduce your waistline. A few simple changes will be enough to reach your goal. […]

Choose the Right Diet

It is important for every woman to be slim and look beautiful. We can spend hours trying the most efficient ways to lose weight or simply to improve our health and appearance. Today various diets have become extremely popular and lots of women follow them obsessively but finally they get upset as they fail to achieve the desirable results. It […]

Sleep No Matter How Busy You Are

Nowadays our life is incredibly busy and full of different events. Due to a large amount of work we have to plan thoroughly every hour of our working day. Being short of time we constantly forget about things that are really important to us. For example, our sleep is one of these things. We are human beings and we can’t […]

Start Eating Healthier

It’s not a secret that every woman wants to stay beautiful and healthy throughout her life. One of the main things you need for that is surely a healthy diet. In most cases, our beauty is the reflection of our eating habits. Isn’t it the reason for you to start eating better? To have a wonderful skin, hair and body, […]