
7 Results

Surprise Your Mom on Christmas

Let’s face it, our moms will take whatever we give them for Christmas with a happy smile, just as they have since we brought home our raggedy cutout snowflakes in first grade. The thing is, we’re grown up now and after so many Christmas celebrations together, we’ve run out of ideas that aren’t the same worn-out offerings to her: the […]

Helping Aging Parents

Helping Aging Parents : As parents age, you may find more and more reasons to become involved in everyday concerns such as bills, safety and health matters. Elders are reluctant to let go of tasks they have managed all their lives, but it’s a good idea to get involved early, before larger problems arise. If you approach the tasks in […]

Deal with a Mean Girl

There is always a mean girl in any teenage in-crowd and you probably know about her or even met one. Sometimes it is very difficult, especially for teenagers, not to be affected by such person. But you must never let the bully distress you. Each mean girl is different, so there is no perfect way to cope with all of […]

How to Impress Your Boyfriend’s Family

If you are going to meet your boyfriend’s family for the first time, then you might want to know a few effective ways to impress his family. Everything counts in a first impression, and when it comes to your boyfriend’s family, the first impression is the key in establishing a good relationship. Just don’t be fake and keep in mind […]

Tips for Dealing with the Death of a Parent

We all have a special relationship with our parents. Sometimes we have disagreements and fights, but when circumstances push us, we always sprint towards our parents. When you are young, it is much harder to lose a parent. Here are a few tips for dealing with the death of a parent. I hope these tips will help you!

Ways to Cope with Your Parent’s Divorce

Parent’s divorce can be very hard, even if you are not a child or a teen. It may seem like your life doesn’t make sense to you and nothing can be done to help you feel better. You may feel frustrated, angry, stressed out or sad. You may feel relieved, especially if there’s been lots of fighting or tension at […]