social effects of parkinson’s disease

2 Results

Understanding The Emotional Impact Of Parkinson’s Disease: Coping Strategies And Support

Understanding The Emotional Impact Of Parkinson’s Disease: Coping Strategies And Support : Parkinson’s Disease is more than a physical condition affecting movement; it also has a profound emotional impact on patients and their loved ones. The challenges posed by this neurodegenerative disorder can be daunting. Yet, understanding the emotional toll and actively engaging in coping strategies can significantly improve the quality […]

Parkinson Disease cognitive symptoms

Parkinson Disease cognitive symptoms : Parkinson’s disease is commonly thought of as a movement disorder, but after years of living with the disease, approximately 25 percent of patients also experience deficits in cognition that impair function. A newly developed research tool may help predict a patient’s risk for developing dementia and could enable clinical trials aimed at finding treatments to prevent […]