who should not have laser eye surgery

3 Results

No More Glasses: 5 Benefits of LASIK Surgery

No More Glasses: 5 Benefits of LASIK Surgery : LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses) eye surgery is a quick and easy way to improve your vision. The popular corrective surgery uses lasers to reshape the eye’s outer layer. The Food and Drug Administration approved the surgery in 1999.

Everything You Need to Know About Lasik Eye Treatment

Everything You Need to Know About Lasik Eye Treatment : Lasik has become a known term across the globe around the conversation of eye health and vision. The need for Lasik eye surgery is ever on the rise as people want to correct their vision and get rid of their glasses. If you are tired of wearing contact lenses or eyeglasses, […]

The Basics of LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is used as an alternative to contact lenses or glasses. It stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. The laser refractive surgery is used to alter the shape of your cornea and improve your vision.