
Showing 15 of 40 Results

Create a Perfect Fitness Routine

Create a Perfect Fitness Routine: You may find it difficult to create a perfect fitness routine, especially if you’ve never exercised before. However, it’s not that hard if you’re guided by some tips. An ideal fitness routine implies a wise and detailed plan of your workouts with different types of activities. Read on to learn 10 easy ways to develop […]

How to balance your health with chakras

Millions across the world vouch for ‘Yoga’ as a way of life but not many understand how the Asanas, Pranayam and meditation actually affect our body’s ‘Chakras’. Chakras? That’s right.They are the ‘Energy Wheels’ located in specific parts of our body. These constantly spinning Chakras are associated to particular organs which, when worked upon, provide the organs the required energy […]

Best Spring and Summer Workouts

Though statistically we fail miserably at keeping our New Year’s Resolutions to get fit, there’s still hope around springtime. Study’s show that when you begin a few months after January, you’re not only more likely to keep your fitness goals, but it’s also easier to get motivated (due to better weather and the thought of fitting into a bathing suit […]

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus?

Can yoga prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus? With the newspapers and internet flooding with the rising cases of swine flu everyday, it is time that we take proper measures to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus. Apart from following the general guidelines such as wearing a mask and maintaining proper hygiene, it is vital that you build […]

How to lose weight in 1 month

When a reunion, first date, wedding or some major event is looming in the distance, the first thing you would want to do is shed those extra kilos. However, your best month long strategy for weight loss should involve sustainable habits that you can maintain even one month after your weight loss deadline. Burning calories through physical activity and decreasing […]

Reduce Your Anxiety with These Simple Exercises

If you feel like anxiety prevents you from being successful and happy, it’s time to try out some of the best exercises that help fight stress, anxiety and depression. When you have an anxiety attack, it’s almost impossible to work, think clearly, take decisions and even relax. You can’t fall asleep, you can’t accomplish any task and you can have […]

Fabulous Activities That Give You Exercise and Relieve Stress

Do you want to get fit and forget about your problems and troubles? Well, it’s possible, if you do one of the activities mentioned below. Even if you are not athletic, there are some workouts that would be great for you physically and mentally. But you will never know what works best for you until you try them. Check out […]

Is Meditation Really Worth It?

Totally. Here’s why First of all, understand that “meditation” is a catchall term for a lot of different mental activities, many of which have nothing to do with sitting cross-legged on the floor and saying om.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is a great way to lose weight if practised regularly using the right form. It is light on the joints and the chances of injury – if done initially under the guidance of a trained professional – are minimal. Moreover you don’t have to waste thousands on that expensive gym membership; yoga can be practised from the comfort of […]

Releasing Your Anger

When you are angry, it’s hard to control your emotions and release your anger in a positive way. Many people think that the best way to vent their anger is to break something, or yell at somebody, or just yell when no one is home. There’s nothing wrong with this way, but do you really want to crash your dishes, […]

Stay Happy during the Winter Season

With the dark and dreary weather, many people find winter to be the most depressing time of year. If you find that you get the blues more easily during the cold season, don’t let them get you down for too long. The following tips can help you combat wintertime depression so you can stay happy and emotionally healthy.

Create A Nourishing Morning Routine

How do your mornings begin? Pressing snooze buttons? Droopy eyes checking messages on phone? Hurrying for the office? Do you even stop for a second to listen to what your body and mind is saying?

Breathing Exercises

Breathing Exercises : Overworked, underslept and feeling the pressure? There are plenty of ways to find calm, without investing in a four-hand spa massage. All you need is a pair of lungs, your breath and 10 minutes or less.