Top 5 Indoor Exercises Perfect For Holiday Houses

Top 5 Indoor Exercises Perfect For Holiday Houses: You’re off on a vacation in a serene resort. Your accommodation has a breathtaking view of running rivers, lush green mountains, and the woods. The warmth of your room is a sharp contrast of the freezing cold outside. Outdoor exercises are simply out of the question.

After months of consistent exercises, the weather has become a huge obstacle. You bask in the company of family and friends, savoring irresistible cuisine. What do you do? Lose yourself in the holiday festivities until the weather is conducive for outdoor sports? Or incorporate amazing indoor exercises to help you stay fit and healthy throughout the holidays?

You obviously care about your health and wellness. Because you’re determined to win this weight-loss/ staying-fit challenge, you’re half way there. You can do it. Yes, you have got what it takes.

Whether you’re cooped up in a holiday hotel or a family log house, there are many fantastic exercises you can do indoors without any equipment. For now, I’ll focus on the top five indoor exercises perfect for holiday lodgings.


1. Jump Rope Exercises

Very few exercises burn calories as quickly as jump rope exercises. You can burn between 10 – 16 calories each minute when you’re jumping at a moderate rate. Of course, you’ll burn more when you jump faster. A science journal once reported that a ten-minute skipping exercise will burn the same amount of calories as an 8-minute-mile run. If you want an effective cardio workout, try jumping ropes.

If you’re new to jump rope exercises, here’s something you should know. Don’t eat or drink anything at least thirty minutes before your jump rope routine. Experience has shown that this could cause stomach pains and even nausea.

So are there other benefits of jump rope exercises?

Yes, there are at least five other surprising benefits of skipping ropes apart from weight loss. They are:

  • Jumping ropes is a fantastic way to build stamina and speed.
  • It is an effective way to improve bone density.
  • Great for tightening the muscles.
  • Strengthens and tones the shoulders.
  • Good for the heart.

If you’re over forty years old, jump ropes with caution. Experts have said that jump rope exercises may weaken the knees of people who are forty and above.


2. Push Ups and Sit Ups

Experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise at least 3-5 times per week. They also recommend that two days be devoted to strength exercises. Both pushup and sit-up exercises qualify as strength exercises. While pushups strengthen the upper body (core, shoulder, arms, abdomen and likely, the delts), situps work on the lower abdominal region and possibly, the thighs.

If you’re holidaying in cold climes, pushups will definitely go a long way to boost your immune system. Whether you’re a newbie or a professional, you’ll benefit from this unique exercise if you incorporate it into your routine. These exercises are quite easy to do. Beginners can start with 3 sets of 5 – 8 reps. As you progress, you can increase the reps and the sets as well. The best part of pushups for me is its ability to improve body posture.

Apart from weight loss, pushups provide other health benefits.

  • Pushups fully activate the body and increase functional strength.
  • A great way to stretch the muscles for improved health and vigor.
  • An effective method of toning and defining body muscle.
  • It strengthens the back and reduces risk of lower back injuries
  • A quick and effective body building routine.

Sit-ups are also known as the classic core exercise.

Here are some benefits of sit-up exercises.

  • Enhancing core strength
  • Provides better poise and stability.
  • Reduces the risk of impaired movement abilities in the arms and legs
  • Tones stomach and abdominal muscles


3. Squats

Before I began my butt and thigh workouts, I didn’t know of the benefits of squats. I took them for granted. Two weeks of five-minute squat exercises produced remarkable results.
Bodyweight squats are one of the best movements for those who want to either blast butt and thigh fat or build strength. Like most exercises, squats are quite a challenge, but totally worth it.

There are different variations of squats. From simple squats, to jump and pistol squats. All of these will work on every leg muscle in your body. Make sure your feet are spread apart and your back straight, while you lower your back. Inhale on your way down, and exhale on your way up. You can do 2 -3 reps of 10 – 20 squats.

Apart from weight loss, squat exercises are good for other reasons.

  • They strengthen the leg muscles (especially the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves)
  • Improved blood circulation round the body.
  • Enhances digestion
  • Enhances over muscle-building in the body.
  • Squats improve body posture
  • Strengthen the knees and reduces the risk of back injury.

Try incorporating squat exercises into your routine and you will be unlikely to have flabby thighs and other holiday hangovers.


4. Yoga

Holiday vacations are often recommended for their ability to help us enjoy life, reduce stress and find peace. Researchers are continually discovering more benefits of yoga. But yoga practitioners will tell you they sleep better, experience fewer colds and feel energy in their spines.

Yoga is a great mind and body exercise; it has many styles, intensities and poses. You can try as many postures as you like in your holiday hotel or house. If you’re beginner, you’ll need a good yoga mat and videos. With practice, you’ll discover the best yoga postures for you.

So what makes yoga special?

Beyond burning calories, here are some of the other benefits you can reap from yoga exercises.

  • Yoga improves your flexibility
  • It builds your muscles
  • It enhances your respiratory health and vitality
  • Gives improved cardio and circulatory health
  • Strengths your body to reduce the risk of injury
  • It prevents cartilage and joint deterioration
  • Regulates heart rate and controls blood pressure.
  • Improves mental health



Burpees are considered the ultimate exercise routine for its ability to work out the entire body at the same time.

Although burpees are common with extreme athletes, military forces, and footballers, they are beneficial to everyone else. This strength building exercise is not just a great fat burner, it will increase your body metabolism and tone your muscles. Rather than see burpee as an impossible exercise, enjoy the speed and coordination it requires.

If you’re beginner, pace yourself. Take it slowly.

Apart from being a fat-burning, exercise, burpee has other health benefits.

  • It helps you get stronger
  • Burpee conditions your body for endurance sports

You can keep fit with these indoor exercises and more while enjoying the best of the festivities.



Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes creative non-fiction and prose fiction. Her works have appeared in Romance Meets Life, Flash Fiction Press, MTLS, Saraba Magazine, Sentinel Magazine and others. Her first novel, Finding Love Again, was published by Ankara Press. She owns and manages



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Top 5 Indoor Exercises Perfect For Holiday Houses

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Top 5 Indoor Exercises Perfect For Holiday Houses