Which Issues Can Be Fixed With Smile Makeovers?

Which Issues Can Be Fixed With Smile Makeovers? : Unarguably, a smile is the best thing a person can wear. However, most people feel dissatisfied with their smiles. Usually, people experience issues with their teeth that affect their smiles. It might drive down a person’s confidence and make them feel distressed.

However, the dental world has seen several technological advancements. All dental issues can be fixed easily, including a person’s smile. So, if you suffer from any extreme dental trouble that impacts your smile, a smile makeover might be just the treatment you need.

What Causes Smile Issues?

There can be many reasons why you must require a dental smile makeover treatment. Perhaps you are struggling with discoloured teeth.

Having the thought of discoloured teeth might make you uncomfortable talking properly or even smiling when around other people. In addition to discoloured teeth, a smile issue can arise when the teeth alignment in your mouth is not right. You might not have the right set of teeth genetically. However, sometimes people experience gaps in their teeth or any other issue because of an accident or trauma.

Not having a perfect smile might make you feel ugly. However, the good news is that modern dentistry has come up with several practices that can put an end to your dental miseries.

Issues That You Can Fix Using The Smile Makeover Treatment

A smile makeover can bring your precious smile and confidence back. Here is the list of all dental concerns addressed well with the smile makeover treatment.

  1. Discoloured Teeth

    Teeth discolouration is the worst problem that most people face nowadays. Unhealthy food practices are making it a common problem these days. In addition, several habits, such as smoking and binge drinking, can cause teeth discolouration. However, a smile makeover can fix teeth’ discolouration.

    Once your dentist looks at your discoloured teeth, he would suggest a teeth whitening treatment. This cosmetic dentistry will give you a whiter and brighter smile so you can talk to people more confidently.

  2. Misaligned teeth

    Some people have misaligned teeth that can affect their smile. In addition, misaligned teeth can also affect the way you talk and chew your food. Having a set of misaligned teeth can also tamper with your psychological well-being.

    Besides, misaligned teeth can bring added dental problems for a person. For instance, you might experience severe gum diseases. In addition, the risk of tooth decay or cavity also increases.

    A smile makeover treatment can treat this malocclusion. Your dentist might suggest using aligners to put together your misaligned teeth.

  3. Missing Teeth

    Most people end up losing their teeth as they age. In addition, several life situations, such as an accident, might cause tooth loss for a person.

    Missing teeth can leave you feeling embarrassed and underconfident. The best option to gain your confidence back is to opt for a smile makeover treatment. Going to see someone like this dental implant specialist in Bakersfield California can help you fill the gap so that you have a perfect set of teeth. It makes you confident when all teeth in your mouth are in order and the best condition.

  4. Chipped Teeth

    Chipping of teeth is a common problem from which people suffer nowadays. A smile makeover treatment can perfectly fix chipped teeth.

    Your dentist might give you a dental filling or a dental bonding that might repair your chipped teeth. Dental bonding involves using a tooth-coloured composite resin that makes the chipped teeth look similar to your existing teeth.

  5. Shape And Size Of Teeth

    Disorderly-looking teeth can affect the smile of a person. People can have an imperfect shape and size of teeth. Improper shape and size of teeth can also cause several other dental problems.

    For instance, a person might suffer from underbites or overbites. These situations can give rise to several other dental problems for a person. So, it is essential to get them fixed at the slightest sign of inconvenience.

    A smile makeover is the best solution to this problem. Cosmetic dentistry involves several makeover treatments that bring back the beautiful healthy smile of a person.

Why Opt For A Smile Makeover Treatment?

A person should opt for a smile makeover treatment to improve the overall aesthetics of his face. A smile makeover treatment benefit can help you achieve something more than a brighter smile. It can even bring back your long-lost confidence. With a perfect set of teeth and a better smile, you can interact with people in a much better way. Thus, a smile makeover treatment is the way to go for resolving your dental concerns.


A smile makeover treatment can be a solution to almost all dental problems of a person. It allows you to get rid of dental stains and other dental concerns that affect your confidence.

Interestingly, a smile makeover can act as a perfect solution even for missing teeth. Thus, it helps you achieve the perfect smile.



Author :

As a Digital Strategist at Oris Dental, Emma Martin extensively writes about dental health, dental care tips, and other general healthcare-related content. She has been a vital part in helping them build a credible online presence through actionable content strategies that drive SEO, social media, and other marketing mediums. From planning and creating content to execution and evaluation, she oversees and manages all aspects of digital marketing. A problem solver at heart, she has helped many businesses reinvent their digital persona across a wide range of healthcare industries. Away from work, she likes to learn new languages and loves to paint.



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