Why Implant Removal Procedure Might be the Solution to Your Recent Breast Implant

Why Implant Removal Procedure Might be the Solution to Your Recent Breast Implant : Is the hardened scar tissue around your breast implants causing pain and discomfort? Or is the shape of your augmented breasts unappealing to the eye after considerable aging, weight loss, or breastfeeding? If so, worry no more! A breast implant removal may offer a perfect solution to your problem.

But remember, these best results can only be achieved by a skilled, experienced, and board-certified breast implant removal surgeon in Houston, TX.

What’s Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal refers to a surgical procedure that removes breast implants, such as saline and silicone implants when deemed dysfunctional, painful, uncomfortable, replaceable, or unwanted.

But, Why Opt for Breast Implants Removal?

Breast implants aren’t permanent — according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the durability of breast implants may reach 10 to 15 years.

The implants are more often than not sought to improve your visual appearance and appeal. But with time, the implants may cease to appeal or cause complications that necessitate removal.

ASPS has it that breast implant removal period should come after 10 to 15 years of the breast augmentation process. There are many reasons that prompt breast implant removal and some of them include the following:

  • Implant-related complications, such as scar tissue hardening around breast implants (capsular contracture)
  • Breast pain and discomfort
  • Old breast implant replacement
  • Breast changes resulting from breastfeeding, aging, pregnancy, and weight gain
  • Calcium buildup in the implant area
  • Leaking implants
  • Shifting or movement of the implants

Pros of Getting Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Breast implant removal solves many health and cosmetic challenges and also creates some health benefits for the patient. Some of the benefits of breast implant removal include the following:

  • Removing breast implants minimizes the risk of breast implant ruptures when capsular contracture occurs.
  • Saline or silicone breast implants may make it hard to see breast tissue clearly on medical imaging results. But with breast implant removal, the mammogram results and the reading of such results improves.
  • Breast implant removal also paves the way for replacing old implants that may be leaking, asymmetrical, or constantly shifting and moving.
  • Removing breast implants may also ease the pain from capsular contracture. The removal of large breast implants may also reduce back and neck pain.
  • Also, removing breast implants allows you to make an ideal choice of breast augmentation that will give you a better contoured and young-looking bust.

Breast Implant Removal Cost Determinants

The Medical News Today notes that the cost of a breast implant removal varies widely and depends on various factors. Some of the factors that affect the price include:

  • The kind of previous breast augmentation that leads to implant removal
  • The severity of scarring around the implant
  • The necessity of additional surgical procedures, such as a breast lift after the implant removal
  • The qualifications, experience, and skill set of the surgeon
  • The location of the practice and surgeon
  • The cost of living and type of medical facility where the procedure takes place
  • The number of preoperative and postoperative appointments

Do you still want to know more about breast implant removal procedures? Read on to get more answers on the topic from the FAQs section.

Breast Implant Removal FAQ

Does my breasts sag after the breast implant removal procedure?

Breast implants often cause your skin to stretch and accommodate the desired size of your breasts in the augmentation procedure. The stretching ends when your implants get removed and your breast may sag or become misshapen. However, you can improve the firmness or elevation of your breasts by getting a breast lift. The breast lift can reshape your breasts and remove excess skin to make them firm.

How long does the breast implant removal procedure take?

A breast implant removal procedure may take 1 to 3 hours. The time varies depending on the complexity of the process. Various factors, such as the amount of scar tissue or the presence of an implant rupture or leakage, determine the time. After the procedure, you may have a few recovery hours during which the anesthesia wears off.

Will a breast implant removal give you more scars?

It may or may not. Cosmetic surgeons may use previous incisions made during the breast augmentation to create new incisions for implant removal, thus avoiding more scarring.

Will your health insurance cover the breast implant removal procedure?

Health insurance may or may not cover breast implant removal. The decision on coverage depends on the reason behind the removal of the implants. Health insurance may not cover such expenses when you remove your implants to get new ones or get another breast augmentation procedure to improve the firmness and asymmetry of your breast. But if your implants resulted from a mastectomy and your medical practitioner believes there is a medical necessity to remove them, your health insurance is obliged to cover the implant removal process.




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Why Implant Removal Procedure Might be the Solution to Your Recent Breast Implant

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