3 Types of Over-the-Counter Drugs That Can Lead to Addiction

3 Types of Over-the-Counter Drugs That Can Lead to Addiction : Because over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are available without a prescription at just about every pharmacy or supermarket in the country, people assume they are safe, and when used at recommended doses, they typically are.

However, OTC drugs can still be abused, and while they’re less potent than controlled substances, this can still pose significant risks, including that of developing an addiction.

OTC Drugs of Abuse

There are three categories of OTC medications that are commonly abused. They are:

    • Cough medicines like dextromethorphan
    • Cold medicines like pseudoephedrine
    • Motion sickness pills like dimenhydrinate

Like many OTC medications, these three drugs can pose serious health risks if they are not taken as intended. The best thing for someone who believes a loved one to be abusing one of these drugs to do is to find a drug detox near you and ask for help. First, though, it’s worth learning a little more about each of these categories of medications.

  1. Cough Medicines

    Cough medicines that contain dextromethorphan (DXM) can create a potent high and cause hallucinations when they are taken in excess. Unfortunately, because they are easily available, cough medicines are popular among younger people who may not even be aware of the potential health consequences of abusing DXM.

    The DEA lists the maximum recommended daily dose of dextromethorphan as 120 mg. People who abuse DXM typically use doses of between 100 200 and 1500 mg to induce anything from mild euphoria to hallucinations, visual distortions, and out-of-body sensations. When taken in very high amounts, DXM can cause serious health problems such as:

    • Breathing issues
    • Heart palpitations and rapid heart rate
    • Vomiting
    • Elevated body temperatures
    • Blood pressure changes
    • Blurred vision
    • Muscle twitching
    • Extreme drowsiness
    • Brain damage
  2. Cold Medicines

    Pseudoephedrine is best known as an ingredient in illegal drugs like methamphetamines. However, some people also abuse cold medicines that contain this stimulant to induce hallucinations and an intense high. Unfortunately, abusing this drug can also cause dangerous physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and seizures.

  3. Motion Sickness Pills

    Motion sickness pills that contain dimenhydrinate can also become drugs of abuse. In high doses, dimenhydrinate can cause hallucinations, so motion sickness drugs are often abused for their psychedelic properties. In doses of between 200 and 1200 mg, these drugs are considered deliriants. Unfortunately, in these doses, they also cause problems like nausea, irregular heartbeat, tinnitus, and their abuse can lead to seizures, coma, or even death.

OTC Drug Addictions

People who routinely abuse OTC drugs can become addicted. As with illicit substances, they build up a tolerance to the active ingredients and begin to use the drugs despite difficulty with getting them or the negative consequences of using them. If that’s the case, the best thing to do is to seek professional help.

Rehab for OTC Medications

As with those who use illicit substances, people who are abusing OTC medications may benefit from attending an inpatient or outpatient drug detox and rehabilitation program. These programs help participants safely get off of drugs and teach them methods for coping with both acute withdrawal symptoms and ongoing stress to make it easier to stay clean in the long run. People who seek help for OTC drug abuse are less likely to go on to use illegal drugs and have an easier time getting back on track, so reach out to an addiction specialist today.




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3 Types of Over-the-Counter Drugs That Can Lead to Addiction

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