5 Stress Management Benefits of Yoga: Your environment is abuzz with activity. Your boss wants to close a deal, and you’re on the wrong side of a deadline. Your spouse needs you to handle school run. And there is a terrible traffic on the road. When your nerves start grating, anxiety and panic will kick in.
Stress is everywhere: at work, at home, in hospitals, on the road and so on. Knowing the disastrous effects of stress on our lives, it is best to find an effective and long lasting stress management strategy. There are very many ways to combat stress, but one of the most effective of them is yoga.
Yes. Studies have revealed that yoga is a very effective stress combatant.
So how does yoga help you find serenity? It’s quite simple and almost anyone can participate in it. Once you acquire the appropriate gear from one of the popular yoga clothing brands, you’re half way there. As a mind-body exercise, yoga poses controlled breathing and meditation. Not only is yoga a great fitness exercise, it can help you lower your heart rate and even, blood pressure. Here are five ways yoga can help you manage stress and stay calm.
5 Stress Management Benefits of Yoga
1. Awesome Body Relaxing Poses
There various styles, intensities and forms of yoga. But experts recommend the Hatha yoga for stress management. Perhaps this is because Hatha involves slower paces and easier postures. Hatha is one of the most common styles of yoga and is often recommended for beginners. According to Zella on Nordstrom, Hatha poses require special workout gear too.
Yoga poses involve a series of movements that deeply relax and soothe the entire body system. Most of these poses include forward bends and inversions.
The Balasana pose is great at relaxing the adrenal glands which creates an overall calming and soothing effect on both mind and body. What a wonderful stress reliever yoga is.
2. Great Mind Soothing Postures
Imagine being under a lot of pressure and mental stress. Your mind has myriads of thoughts running through it and focusing seems impossible. What do you do? Meditate.
Meditation is one of the core components of yoga. It is a relaxation exercise that helps the mind stay serene as the eye of the hurricane. But how is this possible?
It is easy to master the art of focusing on a single task or moment at a time. All this requires is relaxing and slowing down the mind. These are techniques you can learn from regular yoga practices.
The Restorative and Yin styles of yoga have also been recognized as effective tools in teaching the skill of letting-go. Yoga can help you manage and control your thoughts just as easily as you can control your breathing.
3. Reducing The Risk OF Chronic Mental Illnesses
One of the best ways yoga helps in long-term stress management is through mind-mastering. Yoga helps you develop a deep understanding of your mind. Most of us are often stressed out because we have no idea how the mind works or how it can be controlled. Constantly struggling with high stress levels lead to chronic mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and so on.
With regular yoga practices, you become more aware of how your own mind works. When you understand this, it is easier to live more consciously.
Imagine being sprawled upon your beautifully-patterned yoga mat while executing a challenging yoga pose. It will be a good opportunity to see how your mind reacts in stressful situations. One reaction might be to spring out of the posture. The other alternative is to push yourself until to conquer the stressful situation. These mind exercises help you tackle difficult tasks while staying peaceful and calm.
You reduce the risk of succumbing to chronic mental illnesses when you become aware of your mental patterns. That way, your reaction to stressful situations will be more measured and thought-through. Staying stress-free becomes easier than ever.
4. Effective Breathing Exercises
When you see someone fuming or panting, one thing is certain there is a lot of pent-up tension and anxiety. Studies have shown that tension and stress are some of the major causes of cardiovascular and mental illnesses.
Taking yoga classes can help you control your breathing in ways that require you to use the diaphragm and optimize your lung’s capacity. Specific yoga postures such as the humming bee breath and alternate nostril are effective in limiting stress and helping you stay calm.
These exercises also help you release negative emotional energy such as anger, fear, anxiety etc. If you’re often yelling at your loved ones or fighting your colleagues at work or cursing service providers, perhaps you need to learn how to prevent these embarrassing incidences. Yoga breathing exercises will be of great benefit to you.
5. Establishing A Strong Mind-Body Connection
Whether your goal is to stay healthy or to excel in your creative endeavors, Yoga is indispensable in managing stress. It provides access to an easier and healthier living this comes from a harmonious mind-body connection.
It is no secret that the body and mind are connect in innumerable ways. Hatha yoga has very relaxing poses that help to develop and strengthen this connection. In other to improve our health and wellness, it is important to be alert to the body signals being transmitted when stress levels are hitting the roof.
With Yoga, we can learn to be mindful of our physical and mental movements. This provides a great mode of caring for the body and mind. The sensitivity yoga helps us imbibe is priceless.
Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam is a freelance writer, novelist and teacher. Her works have appeared in Romance Meets Life, Flash Fiction Press, MTLS, Saraba Magazine, Sentinel Magazine and others. Her first novel, Finding Love Again, was published by Ankara Press. She owns and manages creativewritingnews.net
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