6 Common Mistakes To Avoid With Your Invisalign : Aiming to have that perfect smile and boost self-esteem, many have become regular goers to the dentist and have gone on ultimate searches looking for the best product to achieve the so-desired dazzling smile. While this has been a task, one thing this has brought about is the rise of new methods to improve and create lasting smiles for all, and one such new method is Invisalign.
Invisalign aligners, or clear braces, are a dental alignment solution that involves using clear, non-painful, and customized orthodontic aligners designed to adjust and realign the teeth of the wearer within a prescribed period. Unlike the old braces we know, Invisalign has become a hit because it is invisible, removable, and causes minimal discomfort compared to traditional braces.
Invisalign has become a top choice in the race for an irresistible smile. While its results are assured, there are many common mistakes that Invisalign users are known to fall victim to and commit. These mistakes can jeopardize the progress and effectiveness of the treatment. For those intending to join the Invisalign bandwagon soon and hoping to make the best of it, here are some common mistakes to avoid with your Invisalign for effective results.
Infrequent Wearing Of The Invisalign
One of the first things a new Invisalign user is told is the benefit of wearing the aligners for the stipulated time. It is to give the aligners time to work on your teeth and get you closer to the dazzling smile goal. Despite knowing the importance of wearing the Invisalign often, many patients still take off the aligner trays to relieve the discomfort they feel at times.To ensure that your Invisalign treatment is effective, wear it for the directed period, which is often between 20–22 hours a day for effective treatment. However, there are instances when the tray can be taken out. It’s when:
- Eating or drinking
- Cleaning the tray
- Brushing your teeth
- Playing sports
To know more about the correct time required for you to keep your Invisalign on and other requirements of your treatment, click here for more information.
Not Cleaning/Maintaining Your Invisalign
To ensure that your Invisalign functions adequately, you must properly clean and maintain it at all times to avoid delayed results and prevent more problems for your teeth. Invisalign is always in direct contact with your teeth. It means that an Invisalign that is poorly maintained and cared for will create dental concerns for you.
Regular and proper cleaning of your aligner will help to avoid the growth of bacteria, discoloration, and unpleasant smells in your mouth emanating from the interaction between the aligner and your teeth.
Eating And Drinking With Your Invisalign
Another common mistake many Invisalign wearers make is eating and drinking while wearing it. As a clear or transparent aligner tray, your Invisalign aligner is prone to staining easily, plus the jelly mold material makes it easy for food particles to stick to it. It can further cause the growth of bacteria in the mouth, leading to mouth odor and discoloration along the line.
It is best to remove your Invisalign before eating and drinking and to properly brush your teeth to remove any food residue to avoid the buildup of plaque before putting your Invisalign back on.
Exposing The Invisalign Tray
It’s not uncommon to hear someone say they have lost their Invisalign. As a clear and almost transparent aligner, many users often become careless when removing it and accidentally tossing their aligners in the dustbin or misplacing them.
Whenever you have to remove your Invisalign, always be mindful to place it in the accompanying protective case for safekeeping. It will not only help you avoid buying a new one but will also prevent your Invisalign from getting contaminated by airborne contaminants when exposed. Again, keep the protective case in a safe and clean place always.
Smoking With The Invisalign
Just as eating and drinking can affect the longevity and sanitation of your Invisalign and teeth, smoking does the same and even worse.
Smoking increases one’s chances of having gum diseases and infections and weakens the material that your Invisalign is made with, drastically discoloring it.
Users should avoid smoking at all costs to ensure that their treatment is effective and to avoid creating more problems for their teeth.
Cleaning The Invisalign With Toothpaste
Many Invisalign users feel that since they brush their teeth with toothpaste, there shouldn’t be any reason they can’t clean their Invisalign with toothpaste. Toothpaste is not a recommended cleaning agent for your aligner tray. Not only will it discolor your tray, but it can also weaken the structure of the tray.
Be sure to use recommended cleaning agents such as unscented soap to clean your trays to avoid discoloration, and follow the proper methods for how to clean your retainer and aligner.
When it comes to using Invisalign for the first time, there are so many misconceptions that lead to some of the common mistakes mentioned here. To avoid ruining your chances of getting that new and dazzling smile while using Invisalign, note these common mistakes, avoid falling into them, and practice safe usage and maintenance. This way, you will reap the benefits of your discipline in maintaining your Invisalign and enjoy that confident smile.
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