7 Things that Positively Impact Mental Health

7 Things that Positively Impact Mental Health : We live in a fast-paced and frantic world that is often too demanding and stressful. From the moment we open our eyes until we snuggle down in bed, we’re faced with many responsibilities and a barrage of decisions. A whole day passes in a whirl of rushing around, juggling multiple tasks, putting out different fires, and dashing to the next thing.

The unending demands of family, work, and social and financial commitments bring added pressure and stress. It’s no wonder our mental health can suffer in this hectic lifestyle.

Rising mental health issues

Nowadays, almost everyone is battling some sort of mental health issue. From depression and anxiety to loneliness, low self-esteem, and difficulty with relationships, the list of mental health issues is endless. Unsurprisingly, people pay little to no attention to identifying and addressing issues in their mental health until it’s too late.

In the US alone, 52.9 million adults have some form of mental illness. Alarmingly, this number is rising due to a combination of factors such as social and economic stressors, biological factors or chemical imbalances in the brain, and physical illnesses.

That said, substance abuse and addiction are other significant contributors to poor mental health, with a staggering 41.4 million US adults experiencing substance use disorder in 2020. This number has quadrupled since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Substance abuse counselors are becoming more crucial than ever as they help clients achieve physical and mental stability, form healthy coping mechanisms, and learn how to live without drugs or alcohol. For those interested in this rewarding field and thinking about how to become a substance abuse counselor, the relevant academic qualification is crucial alongside the necessary licenses and certifications and practical work exposure.

How to improve your mental health

The following are the top things that positively impact mental health and can improve overall well-being:

  1. Connect with your social network

    Whether it’s family, friends, colleagues, or peers, staying connected with your social network is highly beneficial for mental health. You can go out and meet your loved ones or communicate with them over the phone, by text, email, or social media platforms. These interactions can help you in times of stress and provide emotional support.

    Make sure to be vocal and open about your feelings and thoughts. You can discuss the issues you are facing and find solutions together. Connecting with people helps maintain a healthy mental state and provides a sense of purpose. They can also provide distraction and lighten the mood.

  2. Practice mindful activities

    Mindful activities, including yoga, tai chi, and mindfulness meditation, can help manage stress and relax your mind and body. They focus on your breathing, posture, and how your body feels at that moment. You’ll feel more balanced, calm, and focused in life.

    How to do it:

    • Find a peaceful area, preferably outdoors
    • Spend some time alone with your thoughts and feelings in silence
    • Focus on your body, breath, and the environment around you
    • Notice any sensations or feelings that come up for you
    • Stay in this mindful state for as long as you desire
  3. Engage in hobbies

    Does your day-to-day life include recreational activities that bring you joy? If not, it’s high time to make some changes! Participating in hobbies can help reduce stress, lift moods, and give you something to look forward to. It can also provide a much-needed break from the day-to-day grind and allow you to focus on something else.

  4. Eat a balanced diet

    You might have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” And it’s true! Eating a balanced diet and incorporating healthy foods into your meals can help increase your energy and improve your mood. It also prevents diseases and provides essential nutrients to your body.

    Eat foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It’ll help boost your immune system and overall health. Limit or avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible.

    If you’re craving a treat, don’t deprive yourself. Instead, reach for healthy snack alternatives such as fruits, vegetables with hummus, or air-popped popcorn.

  5. Get adequate sleep

    How many times have you sacrificed sleep to get more done? Unfortunately, this is a common trap that many people fall into. While it may seem like you’ll get more done, the reality is that sleep deprivation can have serious consequences. Not only will it make you less productive, but it can also lead to physical and mental health issues.

    Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night to stay healthy and productive during the day. Make sure to have a consistent bedtime and stick to it as much as possible. It will help you regulate your internal body clock and aid in falling asleep quickly. Likewise, a relaxing and comfortable sleeping environment is essential. Ensure you’re in a dark, quiet room and that your mattress and pillows are comfortable for a restful sleep.

  6. Celebrate your accomplishments

    It’s easy to get wrapped up in what you still need to do and forget about all the progress you have already made. Take some time each day to celebrate your accomplishments and progress, no matter how small it may seem. It will motivate you to keep going and look forward to the result.

    Moreover, reward yourself in some way for your accomplishments. Whether treating yourself to a small gift or taking some well-deserved time off, make sure you take the time to recognize your successes.

  7. Practice self-compassion

    Finally, remember to be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to have days when you don’t feel like working on your goals. It is vital to recognize that it’s okay to have off days and that it’s normal to make mistakes on the way.

    Treat yourself with understanding and compassion, and accept that you are only human. Try not to over-analyze and beat yourself up for not doing enough. Instead, focus on the progress that you have made and be patient with yourself. Count all the successes you’ve had along the way. It’s only the beginning of where you’re supposed to be, and you’ll continue to grow and learn from your experiences.


Mental health is as crucial for our overall being as our physical health. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, which is necessary for living a satisfying and productive life. Follow the tips above to add more gratification and contentment to your life. Love yourself first, and everything else will just fall into place.





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7 Things that Positively Impact Mental Health

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