Age Doesn’t Matter For Human Growth Hormone.

It is commonly believed that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) does not grow after a certain period of age. But it is not so. It functions all throughout a man’s life. The anterior part of the pituitary gland, which produces HGH, continuously secretes HGH even as people grow older. However, the amount of HGH secretion decreases as people exceeds the puberty years. Adults are prone to many diseases because their immune system weakens thus affecting the whole body system. Adults, like children, are also susceptible to HGH diseases.
HGH diseases are mainly of two kinds; deficiency of HGH and excessive HGH. HGH diseases in adults have two general categories;
1. An adult who had an HGH disease as a child and continues to have the disease
2. An adult who have gotten the HGH disease after youth
One of the HGH diseases that an adult has is Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD). This disease is a disorder which is brought by many factors including the malfunction of the pituitary gland. AGHD has many symptoms namely; abnormal body composition, increased fat mass, decreased lean muscle mass, and decrease in physical power and endurance. AGHD can also bring negative effects to the heart. AGHD, when not treated, leads to morbidity and frequent cardiovascular attacks. In the last 15 years, it has been recognized that growth hormone deficiency (GHD) can happen in adults.
Unlike in cases of children where GHD is easily determined, AGHD is hard to identify because of the lack of growth parameters and effects of other diseases that the patient acquire because of old age. Hence AGHD is determined by conducting a test. The growth hormone stimulation test (GHST) is usually used to determine HGH diseases. GHST measures the ability of the pituitary gland to produce HGH. However, the accuracy of this test was questioned because of test variability and the uniqueness of the physiology of every individual. These factors together with the admittance that IGF-I is significant to HGH makes the analysis of AGHD difficult and diverse.
Comprehensive biochemical testing replaced GHST as method of determining AGHD. This test includes complete blood count, broad metabolic and thyroid panel, and tests in testosterone and estrogen level. This test can reveal other symptoms that may lead to AGHD. It also determines the growth hormone and IGF-I level of a person. When deficiency in IGF-I and growth hormone is determined, further tests follow.
Another type of disease in adults is acromegaly. Acromegaly is the presence of too much HGH in the human body. This disease does not cause an adult to grow taller like children with HGH excess. In place of increased height, adults experience enlarged hands and feet, crude features of the face, heart size increase and may also cause diabetes.
Agromegaly is commonly caused by a benevolent tumor in the pituitary gland which is also the cause of gigantism in children. Gigantism and acromegaly are the same in the sense that these diseases both concern the overproduction of HGH. The difference is that acromegaly occurs after bone growth while gigantism occurs during childhood.
There are treatments available for these diseases in adult. Surgery, medical therapy and radiation are some of the possible treatment for adult human growth hormone diseases. Many supplements are also accessible to cure the deficiency in HGH. However, these supplements are not mainly used for medical purposes but are explored for positive effects on aging. It is said that these supplements do not only cure GHD but give an adult a “young” feeling again.
These supplements present endless possibilities for adults to enjoy the prime of life again. Nonetheless, supplements are to be taken with proper guidance and instructions because they may have fatal side effects.
Anaerobic Workout: Natural Way of Increasing Human Growth Hormone

You can regain youth and vitality, lose weight, treat diseases, increase height of children, and counter the effects of growth deficiency are just some of the reasons why the use of human growth hormone supplements and injections is getting more popular nowadays.
But little do people know that increasing human growth hormone to achieve all these goals does not depend mainly on synthetic HGH products. One can actually increase HGH the natural way and that it is through anaerobic workout.
Anaerobic workout.

Anaerobic workout is basically a strenuous exercise which is implemented for muscle strengthening purpose. With its literal meaning “without or lacking oxygen”, anaerobic workout does not rely on oxygen to produce energy, thus this is performed in quick yet short sessions so that heavy amounts of oxygen are not used. This is proven to help increase HGH production in the body, thus there’s no need for costly HGH treatments and potentially harmful HGH supplements.

Some examples of anaerobic workout.

Since anaerobic workout is an intense exercise, it includes activities such as playing tennis, sprinting, and lifting weights. Boxing is also a good anaerobic exercise, with its punch combinations done in short spurts. If you have already tried any of these, for sure you were catching your breath while performing it as it required high level of energy. So, before you try doing regular anaerobic workouts, make sure that you are physically fit.
Advantages of anaerobic workout.

Because of the little time required to perform this type of exercise, this is just what people with tight daily schedules need to experience the following benefits associated with increased human growth hormone:
1) Stronger bones
2) Increased stamina
3) Endurance
4) Muscular atrophy prevention
5) Increased muscular power
6) Adequate muscle mass production
Not recommended to do anaerobic workout.

Although there are known advantages in performing anaerobic workout to increase human growth hormone in the body, this may not be appropriate to everyone including the following:
1) Individuals with joint/muscle problems or injuries
2) Pregnant women
3) Individuals who do not exercise on a regular basis
To do before performing anaerobic workout.

It is a must that you consult your doctor if you are capable to perform this exercise without putting your health at risk. Often times, people with heart problems are prohibited from doing this strenuous activity because of the associated risk. Once your doctor said that you are fit to perform anaerobic workout, you can start with familiar exercises like swimming or jogging. But before you do, make sure to warm up or do some stretching to avoid any injuries.
With all the scam HGH products and supplements, together with costly HGH treatments, it is really good to know that there is now an effective way to increase human growth hormone the natural way. Now, you won’t have to worry about the associated risks or side effects of synthetic HGH supplements or injections. But the question is, are you in for the challenge of increasing human growth hormone through anaerobic workout?
As compared to synthetic HGH products, here you really need to exert effort before you can achieve the results that you want. So, would you go for the easier but more risky way through the use of synthetic HGH products or the harder but healthier way through anaerobic workout to increase human growth hormone? You can ensure the Human Growth Hormone at any time of your age. You are required to put in your determination to do so.
Be Happy – Age Doesn’t Matter For Human Growth Hormone.