Amazing Health Benefits of Learning Music for Women

Amazing Health Benefits of Learning Music for Women : It is already a common knowledge that music provides numerous benefits to each and every individual. And most of the time, these benefits are focused on the brain and cognitive aspects. But little did most of us know that music also has an impact on our overall health and wellness.

Apparently, it has been tested and proven that music offers a lot of health benefits to everyone, especially if you are indulging yourself with music and you are learning to play a few instruments. And much more if you are a woman.

Although gender has nothing to do with learning music or listening to tracks, it’s just that music has been found to provide really great effects on the health of a woman. So, if you are wondering what these benefits are, then these points may help you to enlighten:

  1. Enhances happiness

    Listening to music is known to be a great tool for mood enhancement, especially when one is feeling down or sad. This is because music provides a huge impact on the production of hormones in the human body. For women, it is found that music can increase the production of serotonin and other hormones that affect mood and happiness.

    And this is mainly the reason why you would feel much lighter, calmer, and happier once you get to listen to a few grooves and tracks. Of course, listening to great music on a crappy set of headphones is not the way to do this. If you are at home you might like to invest in a set of wired audio headphones. There are also wireless versions available if you want a more hassle-free setup.

  1. Supports positive heart health

    When you listen to music, you will notice that you will feel calmer and more relaxed. This is because music is found to normalize blood circulation and decrease blood pressure. And these things are very much beneficial to your heart health.

    Hence, the next time that you feel the need to take good care of you hear, might as well include the listening and learning of music in the list.

  1. It relieves symptoms of depression

    When one experiences depression, there are recurring symptoms that usually make things worse for the person. This normally includes the loss of appetite, loss of sleep, restlessness, mood swings, and other symptoms that affect the overall health and wellness. Women typically experience this during their PMS or pre and post menstrual syndrome.

    Now, music is found to help relieve these kinds of symptoms. This is why many people who are depressed and feeling down are asked to listen to music. Others, in fact, are recommended to take music lessons. All because music along with its beat, melody, and harmony can help alleviate depression alongside its symptoms and effects.

  1. Enhances fetal development

    As mentioned, music is known to have helped develop many brain functions. It is even proven to alleviate and improve brain functionalities. And this actually links to the overall development of a child, especially when they are still inside the womb.

    According to research, when a mother tends to listen to music during her pregnancy period, it enhances the overall development of the baby inside her. This is also why you would see many specialists and parents who would recommend a pregnant woman to put headphones on her tummy during her pregnancy and let the baby inside her listen to music.

  1. Reduces anxiety & physical effects of stress

    Anxiety attacks and intense stresses are very much common to certain individuals. And normally, these things go side by side for a woman who has a lot of things and responsibilities on her plate. This probably explains why many women tend to have intense mood swings and hormonal concerns.

    But even so, music is found to reduce anxiety and alleviate physical effects of stress. If you go to see a doctor and have your anxiety attacks be checked, you will notice that some of their offices come with harmonious tracks. This is because it is found that music calms the emotions and the brain.

    As for the stress, music touches the biochemical stress reducers in the body that effectively decreases the effects.

  1. Reduces pregnancy stress levels

    During pregnancy, stress is very much apparent. And at the same time, this must be eliminated because it will only harm you and the baby inside of you. So, aside from the need to have a relaxing moment all the time, you need to do several things that will not increase your stress levels.

    But if in the case that you got so stressed and there is already a need to reduce it, music must be one of your go-to’s. According to research, listening and learning musical instruments highly benefits the pregnant women. And aside from managing or reducing the stress levels, learning music develops the overall health of the baby.



Now, learning music is very much beneficial to one’s health and wellness. And these points are only some of the greatest benefits that one can obtain from learning and listening to music. So, the next time that you feel a little stressed and overwrought, you may want to listen and learn a little music. And so much more for women who are experiencing several concerns in their bodies and health on a daily basis.


Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.




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Amazing Health Benefits of Learning Music for Women

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