Are Fish Oil Supplements Safe For You During Pregnancy : The proper development of the fetus and the mom’s health are focal points of any pregnancy. From the very first month, pregnant women need to up their nutrition game in everyday diet for a healthy prenatal period. One of the sources of nutrition with the spotlight thrown by nutritionists worldwide is Omega 3—which exists in abundance in fish oil supplements!
However, given that it is not consumed as frequently by the masses for that matter, there’s much speculation about Omega 3 safety during pregnancy.
To put your mind at ease and increase your knowledge of this incredible nutrient, we’ll talk about fish oil consumption during pregnancy—and its effects.
Fish Oil For Pregnancy – How Does it Affect Fetal Development?
Right off the bat, Omega 3 in fish oil supplements regulates the production of prostaglandins, i.e. hormone-like substances that play a crucial role in various physiological functions such as blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammatory and allergic responses, and gastrointestinal and kidney functions. Prostaglandins also take part in the production of other hormones.
Our understanding of nutritional needs during pregnancy is continuously evolving through scientific research. One of the latest breakthroughs is the significance of fish oils that contain Omega 3s. These play a crucial role in promoting the well-being of the growing baby and the mother’s overall health.
Fish oils abundant in the essential fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) play a vital role in regulating the neuronal network. By ensuring that expectant mothers receive an ample supply of fatty acids, you contribute to the optimal development of the baby.
Not only does fish oil consumption benefit the child, but it also helps prevent pre-term labor, lowers the risk of pre-eclampsia, and may even contribute to recovery from postpartum depression (PPD).
Other Benefits Of Fish Oil During Pregnancy
Omega 3 belongs to a remarkable group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The human body cannot produce this essential compound, making it necessary to acquire it through diet or supplements. Regrettably, the typical diet falls short in a sufficient percentage of Omega-3s.
Scientific research shows that the most remarkable Omega 3 fatty acids are EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). By choosing fish oil supplements with the proper concentration of these fatty acids, an expecting mother can gain remarkable benefits.
Fetal Neurological Development
Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for the neurological and visual development of your baby. The standard diet, especially for women living in regions far away from any coastline, lacks these essential nutrients. As a result, a growing fetus misses out on one of the significant nutrients for growth.
To make matters worse, pregnant women often experience a depletion of Omega 3, as whatever comes from the diet is used up by the fetus for its nervous system development.
Hence the need for fish oil supplements; make sure you’re getting enough Omega 3 during pregnancy to give your baby and yourself a wholesome diet!
Reduces Risk Of Pre And Post-Labor Issues
Fish oil works wonders during pregnancy, potentially having effects that ease labor. Boosting intake of EPA and DHA during pregnancy has been proven to help avoid premature labor.
But that’s not it; these fatty acids in fish oil can potentially enhance birth weight. Moreover, studies show plentiful Omega 3 consumption can lower the risk of postpartum depression.
Aids In Breast Milk Production
After giving birth, Omega 3 fatty acids play a crucial role in the production of breast milk. However, with each subsequent pregnancy, mothers experience a further depletion of essential nutrients, including Omega 3, that improve lactation.
Recent research shows compelling evidence that adding fatty acids EPA and DHA, found in fish oil, into the diet of expectant mothers can have a profound impact on the development of breast milk.
Since fish oil also helps reduce inflammation and improve bone health, it can provide relief for side effects of breastfeeding itself, such as backache, vision problems, and tooth and gum pain.
Minimizes Chances Of Child Obesity
Did you know that taking DHA supplements during pregnancy can potentially lower the risk of childhood obesity?
According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, mothers who took 600 mg of DHA during pregnancy gave birth to children with more fat-free body mass by the age of five in comparison to those who didn’t.
Of course, there are other factors at play in a child’s health—a balanced diet being the leading aspect. Still, simply adding fish oil to the prenatal routine can make a big difference in the well-being of a child!
Which Foods Contain Omega-3 Fish Oil?
When it comes to obtaining EPA and DHA, salmon, sardine, tuna, anchovy, and herring provide these essential nutrients. But there are a few reasons why consuming fish regularly during pregnancy may be tricky. Allergies, potential presence of mercury and other toxins, and prenatal nausea—there are various challenges involved.
That’s why an ideal alternative to fish is fish oil supplements, which are the safest source of EPA and DHA. Many individuals believe that flaxseed oil is also rich in Omega 3. However, flaxseed only comprises ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). It is fatty acid that does contain sufficient nutritional benefits that expecting mothers require for optimal fetal health and growth. Fish oil is a much more dependable source of EPA and DHA.
Safe Dosage Of Fish Oil In Pregnancy
While fresh fish can be a great source of Omega 3 supplements, it can also contain harmful toxins like mercury. That’s why high-quality fish oil supplements can be a safe and effective alternative.
However, know that the FDA advises expecting mothers against the excessive use of fish oil. For pregnant and lactating women, the American Pregnancy Association suggests a daily intake of 500-1000 mg of fish oil, with a minimum of 300 mg being DHA.
Go for fish oil supplements from reputable manufacturers who use top-notch raw materials and state-of-the-art refining techniques to eliminate toxins. With the right fish oil supplement, you can give your baby the nutrients it needs without any unnecessary risks.
Are Fish Oil Supplements Safe For You During Pregnancy
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