It is the undisputed fact that all discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. It is not crazy to think of discipline as a chariot. Without discipline we would drive ourselves crazy. It is the duty and the hope of all who would enjoy the benefits of society and of instruction. It is the process by which energy is directed along certain lines to the exclusion of others. Instead of being expended in many ways in unreflecting response to every stimulant applied, it is concentrated and made to focus itself upon a single point, or rather is confined within certain narrow limits. Discipline is often spoken of as acquired power. A more exact statement would seem to be that discipline is ability to make energy effective by confining it in a certain channel.
With the modern civilization where we treat right is the might, discipline is a necessity, as a regulator of society, so that those who break its rules may be taught the necessity of obeying them.It brings us effort, sacrifice and suffering. Later it brings us something of an inestimable value: something of which those who live only for pleasure, profit or amusement will always be deprived. This peculiar indefinable joy which one must have felt oneself to understand is the sign with which life marks its moment of triumph. It is an index to doctrine.
Discipline and punishment
Discipline and punishment refer to the methods and motivations that drive us to create an ordered society. Discipline can include punishment in its regimen, but it is not always the case. It refers to training methods that are used to impart a body of knowledge to a disciple, and while punishment can be used for training as well, it has also been inflicted for retribution or vengeance. Both discipline and punishment are readily witnessed in institutions or anywhere that has an established authority figure. What follows is some great advice on developing discipline. No matter what you aspire to you will find it requires a certain level of discipline. And if someone does not follow the discipline, he must have some punishment for the welfare of others.
Engaging in genuine discipline requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don’t need to be hasty if it isn’t required, but you don’t want to lose much time either. Here’s the time to act: when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong. Let’s say you would like to build your library. If that is a strong desire for you, what you’ve got to do is get the first book. Then get the second book. Take action as soon as possible, before the feeling passes and before the idea dims. If you don’t, here’s what happens – You Fall Prey to the Law of Diminishing Intent – We intend to take action when the idea strikes us.
We intend to do something when the emotion is high. But if we don’t translate that intention into action fairly soon, the urgency starts to diminish. A month from now the passion is cold. A year from now it can’t be found. So take action. Set up a discipline when the emotions are high and the idea is strong, clear, and powerful. Fall on the floor and do some push-ups. You’ve got to take action; otherwise the wisdom is wasted. The emotion soon passes unless you apply it to a disciplined activity. Discipline enables you to capture the emotion and the wisdom and translate them into action. The key is to increase your motivation by quickly setting up the disciplines. By doing so, you’ve started a whole new life process.
Another factor of seeing the greatest value of discipline is to increase self-worth, also known as self-esteem. Many people who are teaching self- esteem these days don’t connect it to discipline. But once we sense the least lack of discipline within ourselves, it starts to erode our psyche.
One of the greatest temptations is to just ease up a little bit. Instead of doing your best, you allow yourself to do just a little less than your best. Sure enough, you’ve started in the slightest way to decrease your sense of self- worth.
There is a problem with even a little bit of neglect. Neglect starts as an infection. If you don’t take care of it, it becomes a disease. And one neglect leads to another. Worst of all, when neglect starts, it diminishes our self- worth. Once this has happened, how can you regain your self-respect? All you have to do is act now! Start with the smallest discipline that corresponds to your own philosophy.
Make the commitment: “I will discipline myself to achieve my goals so that in the years ahead I can celebrate my successes.” Chart out your priorities, design your strategies, calculate your resources and discuss with your seniors and implement them with strictest discipline, you will find the astounding resulting.
Be Happy – Be Disciplined.