Be Lucky

Be Lucky.

Normally we consider luck as fortune occurring beyond our control, without regard to our will, intention or desired results. When we do not get our desired results in spite of our efforts which we may treat to have been made best out of our capacity, we feel that our luck is not working or we are unlucky.
There are two senses – a prescriptive sense and a descriptive sense. In the prescriptive sense, luck is a supernatural concept that there are divine forces prescribing certain events to occur very much the way we wish or according to the laws of physics which prescribe that certain events occur. It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they say they “do not believe in luck”. In the descriptive sense, luck is a word people give after the occurrence of events which they find to be fortuitous.
We can say that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. You too can create your own luck . Yes you do. I know you might think that luck is just something that happens randomly or by chance. But it’s really not.
Luck happens when you believe that you’re lucky or when you have thoughts that lead to being lucky. Luck is really something good that happens to you unexpectedly. If you want to be lucky then you have to think and believe that you are lucky.
You create Good luck when you focus on the positive, when you’re optimistic and when you believe that things will work out (or that you’re lucky). Bad luck happens when you focus on what is wrong, when you don’t think that things will work out, when you don’t trust your subconscious mind and higher powers, or when you continually complain about your state.  Bad luck comes from negative thinking that you’ve created and planted on your subconscious mind and this negative thinking leads to more and worse luck. Things don’t go your way because you don’t believe they will. So you need to end up creating bad luck. When things continue to get worse, you blame it on luck. But it’s really not luck.
It’s the negative thinking that you carry. It happens because you’ve trained your mind to look at what’s wrong and you’ve directed your subconscious mind and to bring you more bad luck and you keep telling your subconscious that you don’t want thing to work out.
But it is not what you want.  You want to be lucky. You want things to work out. You want a better life. Negative thinking keeps holding you back. It destroys any chance of success, happiness or a better life. You’ll never be “lucky” if you always focus on what’s wrong. Those negative thoughts, views and beliefs destroy your success. They create more and more bad luck.
You may want to make more money, lose weight, be healthy, get a new job, meet the right person and achieve your goals. But you won’t because those limiting and negative thoughts block your success. You attract more misery and more failure. The cycle continues. It’s not really about luck. It’s all about what you think and believe. Your subconscious mind follows your thought patterns and beliefs. It simply responds and creates situations that mirror what you believe and think.
When you continue to look at the worst in a situation, think you’re unlucky or have a pile of negative thoughts and beliefs you continue to create more and more misery, struggle and failure. Your subconscious thinks that’s what you want. So that’s what you get. You keep having more “bad luck.”
Now you can turn things around. You can go from feeling (and believing) that you’re unlucky to being lucky so that you get what you want. You simply have to direct your subconscious mind so that it’s positive, optimistic, and open minded. So that you get your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want.  Scientists have proven that people who are optimistic and positive have better luck. They also did better in life. And those who are negative or pessimistic have more bad luck, and struggled in life. A group of researchers recently found the following:
Those who are optimistic and positive and  believed they were lucky… enjoyed life, earned more money, were in stable jobs and relationships, had things go their way more often, won contests and prizes and were generally lucky – things just worked out for them. Those who had a negative attitude, were pessimistic and did not think they were lucky struggled with money changed jobs more often had poor relationships.
Science has proven that you do create your own luck. When you’re positive, optimistic and believe that good things happen – you’ll enjoy life have more success, make more money and you’ll be happier. The choice is yours. Get rid of the negative thoughts. Start being more optimistic. Believe in yourself. Believe that things will work out. Direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you exactly what you want. Put an end to the negative thinking that’s destroying your life.
How to bring out yourself out of your pessimistic thinking that you are unlucky is very easy. First, you will have to give your pessimistic thinking by concentrating upon those past acts and results which had brought out positive effects upon you, your prosperity and happiness. You need to analyze why those good times got lost. You will have to motivate yourself. Please remember when you are in bad times as you feel, none other than yourself will motivate you.
What do you mean with motivation? It is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological drive that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas.
Second, you need to distress yourself. If stress is over your mind, you can not bring any positive solution into your mind. This too makes you unlucky to your prospects. Julie is a manager in a high-volume call center, and her job is very stressful. She interacts every day with angry, upset customers, she needs to keep her team members calm and productive, and she has to meet tough customer satisfaction goals.
Despite these pressures, Julie is known for her professionalism and her composure. She’s kind to everyone on her team, she stays cool in tense situations, and she makes good decisions, even when she’s under pressure. Julie has mastered the art of surviving and thriving in a stressful role.
Many people experience stress in their jobs. You might feel stressed temporarily because of a project deadline, or because of seasonal fluctuations in your workload. Or you might experience long-term stress due to the type of work that you do, because of a difficult boss or co-worker, or because of office politics.
Job stress has a number of negative consequences that, if left unmanaged, can affect your health, productivity, well-being, and career. For example, a study has found that  professionals who work in high-stress environments are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol – all of which increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Long-term, unmanaged stress can weaken your immune system, it can cause chronic muscle pain or sleeplessness, and it can contribute to obesity. It can also lead to a number of psychological conditions, such as anxiety or depression, and it may cause relationship problems with others on your team. You may feel burnout which is a likely consequence of long-term job stress. Emotional exhaustion, lowered productivity, and higher absenteeism can all result from this.
Stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, even death. The strategies discussed here are for guidance only. You should take the advice of suitably qualified health professionals if you have any concerns over stress-related illnesses, or if stress is causing you significant or persistent unhappiness.
Why You Should Control Stress
There are many good reasons why you should control workplace stress. You’ll be more productive and creative at work, you’ll have better relationships with family and colleagues, and you’ll produce higher-quality work. You’ll also be healthier and more energetic as a result.
When your job is stressful most of the time, stress can have a negative impact on your health and productivity. There are many warning signs that you’re experiencing high levels of workplace stress, including:

·         Frequent headaches/muscle tension.
·         Persistent sleeplessness.
·         Ongoing irritability.
·         An upset stomach.
·         Low morale/depression.
·         Prolonged difficulty concentrating.
·         Weight loss/gain.
·         Continued loss of interest in work or hobbies.
·         Social withdrawal.
Let’s look at several ways that you can manage the stress in your role and bring about luck in your life.
Identify Causes
Before you can wish for luck, you first have to know what causes you to be unlucky. Perhaps it may be result of your over stressed working or stress due to no work at all or unsatisfactory working conditions. 59 percent of professionals report a heavy workload as their leading cause of stress. There are other common causes too which may bring about stress over your mind and finally, you may get depressed and feel unlucky. Some causes of stress include:

·         Workplace pace and unrealistic deadlines.
·         Persistent bullying and abuse.
·         A difficult boss or colleague.
·         Long work hours.
·         Poor management.
·         A lack of autonomy.
·         Poor work/life balance.
·         Meaningless work.
·         Career concerns (no upward mobility, or a lack of job security).
·         An unhealthy work environment.
·         A lack of resources.
Keep a diary to understand what causes you to feel stress or unlucky in your job. Once you’ve identified the factors that contribute to this status, you can then take appropriate steps to manage them.
Think Positively
Your attitude plays a major role in your level of luck, no matter what kind of work you do. You can choose to approach tasks, responsibilities, and people with a negative attitude or you can choose to approach your work and relationships with a positive mind-set. Although the amount of work is the same, the impact on your health and well-being is profound.
Positive thinking acts as a stress buffer. Whenever you catch yourself slipping into a negative frame of mind, make an effort to think positively instead. This might mean challenging your negative thoughts with rational, fact-based thinking, or using affirmations to boost your self-confidence. It will definitely bring luck to you.
Calm Down
Stress can often cause you to stop breathing for several seconds, even though you may not realize it. When you’re feeling stressed, practice deep breathing exercises. Deep, slow breathing floods your body with oxygen, slowing your heart rate, relaxing your muscles, and helping you focuses. You might also want to practice yoga or meditation after work, both of which are effective methods of managing stress.
Frequent daily breaks and regular vacations are also important for reducing work stress. Even a long weekend can help you de-stress after a tough week. When you do take a break or go on vacation, leave work at work; taking a “working vacation” or constantly checking email while you’re gone won’t give you the time that you need to rest and recharge.
Manage Your Time
Your job might be stressful because of your workload or project deadlines. You can lower your stress levels and improve your productivity by learning to manage your time and priorities more effectively.
Distractions in the office can be a major source of stress. These distractions can come from well-meaning colleagues, from constant phone calls or emails, or from general office noise. Minimize distractions by closing your office door for short periods of time, by turning off your phone, or by listening to white noise to drown out people’s conversations.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage a stressful job. Daily exercise helps you cope with stress; it also boosts your memory, creativity, IQ, and productivity.
You can fit exercise into your schedule in many ways. Wake up earlier and exercise before work, take a walk on your lunch break, or use a standing desk while you’re at work. Remember, any additional movement will help you manage stress and live a healthier life. Take frequent breaks to move around and let your mind rest. Try taking several five- or 10-minute walks during the day; it might not sound like much, but this exercise and fresh air will give you time to rest and recharge.
Manage Priorities
Conflicting priorities can be a major source of workplace stress, especially when you have to push important work aside to focus on less important, but urgent, tasks. You also need to choose the right tasks to work on. Some tasks require a lot of time and energy, yet they have a low impact, while other tasks have a big impact, but require little effort.
If you’re working on a project that seems overwhelming, break it into smaller steps. This allows you to accomplish one thing at a time, instead of trying to take everything on at once.
Increase Autonomy
Autonomy is the freedom to decide how to accomplish your work. Professionals who work in roles with low autonomy often experience more stress and dissatisfaction than those with greater autonomy.
Speak with your boss about your current goals or projects. Where appropriate, ask for the freedom to choose how you accomplish these goals. This could include working from home one day a week, or choosing who you want to work with on your next project.
Assess Resources
Look at the work that you do. What are your biggest frustrations? Where are your bottlenecks? Where are you most inefficient? These situations often point to a lack of training, tools, resources, or help – all of which can contribute to workplace stress.
Make a list of what you need. Let your boss know what you’re lacking, and explain how these items will help improve your productivity and effectiveness. If your boss can’t provide the resources that you need, think about how you might be able to negotiate for them with others, or acquire them on your own.
Find Meaning
What do you love most about your job? What gives your work meaning? These questions might sound simple, but they’re important. If you know what gives your work meaning, it will help you manage the stress that goes along with it.
Everyone experiences the feeling of being lucky or unlucky from time to time when there is some result favorable or unfavorable  But that is the result of your efforts only. If due to wrong results, you get stressed, you need to shelf out that feeling first to bring about luck in your life. The opposite feelings that is you are unlucky may create stress in your mind and long-term stress can lead to a number of health problems, including high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. It can also contribute to heart disease, obesity, anxiety, and depression. To overcome, you need to recount yourself and feel lucky even in the beginning by mentioning to yourself that you are going to win in your efforts.