Weed killers can be very effective at eliminating weeds in your gardens, but their ability to kill off weeds comes at a price. Weed killers used in your garden can end up in your body. Depending on how much you’ve been exposed, your health and well-being could be negatively affected as a result of ingesting the chemicals found in weed killers.
There are some specific chemicals found in weed killers that you should be aware of. Just to be clear, the top branded weed killers can be quite safe, so I’d check out reviews on those before thinking about how terrible weed killers really are. However, look out for these ingredients, which can definitely negatively impact your health.
2, 4-D
This is one of the most common herbicides in the United States and is found in many weed killers. Several studies have linked this chemical to cancer, kidney disease, and liver damage. It can also contaminate your reproductive system. When ingested or exposed to skin, the salt form of this chemical can be extremely irritating. When your eyes are exposed to it, it can be extremely toxic. If ingested, it can cause nausea, diarrhea, and kidney damage. In more extreme cases, some people will experience leg and arm stiffness, the inability to walk, or even death.
Some studies have even shown that dogs can experience some of these harmful side effects if exposed to the chemical. The Environmental Protection Agency says that the substance itself is not carcinogenic; however, it does contain dioxins, a substance that is extremely carcinogenic.
Glyphosate is another common herbicide that is often sprayed on food. This is often found in RoundUp or Touchdown. A recent test done on water confirmed that glyphosate was found in many of the samples. A few crops, such as corn, were recently modified to resist RoundUp so that crops would not die off if exposed.
But, that only means that the use of this chemical has gone up in recent years. It’s been linked to many serious conditions, such as lymphoma. It’s also been suspected of causing a number of miscarriages among farmers who used it.
Polyethoxylated Tallowmine
Although Glyphosate is the main ingredient in RoundUp, polyethoxylated tallowmine can also be found in this weed killer. Recent studies have found that polyethoxylated tallowmine can be extremely toxic, even more so than Glyphosate. It can negatively impact cells in the embryo, placenta, and umbilical cords of fetuses. When used in combination with Glyphosate, this substance can be extremely toxic and very unsafe for expectant mothers. In addition to this, it has also been known to be linked to cancer. It is known that there has been a lawsuit against Roundup many times due to amount of people this has had an effect on.
While RoundUp can be extremely effective, and it is known as one of the top weed killers, there are many other weed killers on the market that will do the job just as well. Some, such as EcoSmart, even make claims to do no harm to the environment.
While weed killers can be extremely effective, it’s important to shop around to ensure that you’re picking one that works well but doesn’t have harmful ingredients since some weed killers can negatively impact your health.
Be sure to consult with a professional landscaper if you’re uncertain about which product will work best for your needs. They’ll be able to help you pick the one that is right for you.
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