Caring For Your Rosacea In The Sun

Caring For Your Rosacea In The Sun : Summer is a fun time, with a lot of your spare hours spent in the great outdoors enjoying warm weather and fun summer activities. When venturing down to the beach or spending long periods of time outdoors, everybody knows the golden rule – wear sun cream.

For people with rosacea, exposure to direct sunlight is one the main triggers to cause a symptom flare up. Usually leaving the skin irritated, dry, and red. Despite continuing with long-term rosacea treatments, those with rosacea should always protect their skin from the sun. Fortunately, there are many ways you can care for your rosacea while enjoying a fun fuelled summer.

The Importance of SPF

Daily sun protection is so important for all skin types, however anybody who experiences the symptoms of rosacea should take extra care to wear SPF every day. Sun exposure is listed as one of the main triggers for rosacea flare ups, which is something all rosacea sufferers are working to avoid. To keep the skin protected from sun exposure use a daily SPF of 30 or more and apply every morning as part of your skin care routine. This is to be applied whether it is sunny or cloudy. Ensuring your skin is cleansed and moisturised too. When spending all day in the sun, maybe you are hitting the beach or the pool, make sure you take your sunscreen with you and reapply frequently.

Finding the right SPF – For anyone with rosacea symptoms finding the right products with the right ingredients can be difficult. Particularly as you learn to spot the triggers which cause flare ups. When buying an SPF look for one which delivers both UVA/UVB protection for full protection. There are a number of products which have been formulated for sensitive skin. Often those made with a mineral formulation, with few chemicals, will work to avoid irritation.

Keeping out of direct sunlight

The harmful UV rays from the sun are a trigger for rosacea symptoms, causing painful irritation, redness, and dry skin. When the sun is at its most powerful in the summer, those with rosacea symptoms and sensitive skin should keep their skin out of direct sunlight as much as possible. When going out this summer try to protect your skin from the dangers of UVA and UVB rays by keeping in the shade and spending only short amounts of time in direct sunlight. Remember the sun is strongest between 10am and 4pm.  You can also check the UV index each day to find out how powerful the sun will be.

Wearing protective clothing

Hats and sunglasses are a great way to protect your skin from the sun. If you are heading out for the day do not forget to grab these essential accessories for additional protection from the sun. These could help to prevent a flare up around the most affected areas of your face, like the nose and around the eyes.

Treatments for Rosacea

Although rosacea is currently still being researched to find a solution which will clear symptoms completely, there are a number of long-term treatment options. When speaking with a GP it is likely they will prescribe you topical treatments or antibiotics. This may help to clear your symptoms or ease the redness slightly. If you choose to speak with a dermatologist or skin specialist, they may also recommend IPL (intense pulsed light treatment) this is a type of light therapy which targets the specific areas of redness on your face to reduce your symptoms of rosacea. Many people have been very satisfied with their results from IPL.






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Caring For Your Rosacea In The Sun

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