Celebrate Lohri with Giving Up Your Mental Stress.

Today, it is January 13. On this day, Festival of Lohri is celebrated every year in north India and at those places where Punjabi families live. On this day, they forget all the tensions and just celebrate. I am not going to repeat here why this festival is celebrated as the details I had given in this blog last year on January 12. The purpose of reminding of the importance of this festival that despite all the conveniences available to us in this technologically advanced age, stress is still part of the overall scheme of our lives. We must try to reduce it at the earliest.

Physical And Behavioral Signs Of Stress

Stress can be either external or internal. External stressors involve situations in the workplace, death or illness in the family, or by simply becoming angry. On the other hand, most of the stress that people experience is self-generated or internal. A person usually creates his or her own stress but this indicates that the person has the choice or doing nothing or something about it.

Stress can affect major body systems. When a person feels stressed, there is an increase in heart rate, elevation in the blood pressure. The continuous pressure in the heart can make a person susceptible to cardiac arrest and other heart-related problems.

The digestive system is also affected during stress. Some people can experience diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, dryness of the mouth and the throat. Almost every time stress can also cause sleeping disturbances, nausea, and in serious cases tightness of the chest, neck, jaw and the back muscles.

Changes in behavioral patterns are also noticeable in a person experiencing the duress of stress. Smokers experience increase in smoking pattern. Aggressive behaviors and hostility towards others and even inanimate objects are sometimes linked to a person being easily startled. A person’s diet can also be affected by the irregular eating habits caused by stress.

Some people who cannot handle stress usually resort to alcohol and drug use. Additionally, compulsive behavior, impatience and carelessness are also the behavioral effects of stress.

Long Term Implications

Exposure to stress in the long term can surely deteriorate a person’s well-being. During stress the body produces hormones that enable the body to cope with the current situation. Short term effects of adrenaline, non-adrenaline, and corticosteroids include tense muscles, queasiness and an in increase in breathing and heart rates.

The long term implications of these hormones include allergic reactions, digestive disorder, heart disease, fatigue headaches and migraine. Impotence and premature ejaculation can occur in men while erratic menstrual cycle for women.

When the body continuously releases the hormones, sleeping patterns can also be affected and can sometimes lead to insomnia. In severe cases, stress, in the long run, can cause eczema, ulcerative colitis, mouth and peptic ulcers and recurring muscular aches and pains.

Luckily, stress management provides comfort and release from these problems that tends to affect our physical, mental and emotional health. We must learn stress management.

What is Stress Management?

Under stress management we do have many tools, procedures and methods to take control of our problems and make sure that they don’t affect our daily routine. Problems that leads to stress that are specific in nature have different stress management techniques that can be applied to keep you in balance and harmony.

Breathing exercises helps big time!

Our body tends to react during times of stress; irregular breathing, sweating, aches and pains, slow metabolism and so on. Since these are all physical in nature, we have to deal with it in a physical way. One method is through breathing exercises which can affect your body in a profound way. Simply speaking, these exercises control the flow of oxygen in your body, as well as its distribution to different parts of your anatomy.

One way to do this is to count your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax your stomach as you do so. Try to keep a rhythm and follow it all throughout the duration of the exercise. With enough practice, you can control your breathing instantly during times of stress which can help you relax and alleviate some of the negative effects in your body. You can try Yoga for this purpose.

Relax your mind with meditation.

Meditation is great way to achieve stress management, which deals more on the mental than in the physical parts. Meditation allows your mind to relax and focus on a single thought and let others drift away to nothing.

The art of meditation has been used for centuries that started off as an offset of pagan religion. Nowadays, many people practice this method for different areas in their life; coping with work, focusing on your tasks, or simply to relax your mind to keep yourself in balance.

This can be quite hard at first but can be improved through practice. First off, try to look for a quiet place where you will have the least amount of distraction. Then you need to relax your body from your toes to your head. When you feel heavy then you are already relaxed (this will change to a light feeling when practiced often), you can now concentrate on your mind.

Try to focus on a single thought or imagine an inanimate object. You might notice that you will be distracted by stray thoughts that seeps into your mind during the course of the exercise. When this happen, try to imagine your a watching movie. Observe these thoughts as if it was nothing and let it drift away to the next one. After a while, all these stray scenes will cease then you have achieved meditation.

Seek professional help

A psychiatrist can be a great help during times stress. The specialist will help you accept your problems and in turn find possible solutions without letting fear and worry seep into your mind. They can help find the trouble areas and help your arrive at solutions which you might be hard-pressed to realize on your own.

Dealing with stress can be stress in itself. But with a relaxed mind and the proper techniques, you could take control of your life and not let stress control you.

Stress Management And Health

Stress always goes hand in hand with health. Depending to the stress level of a person, the impact of stress in the body can range from minor sweaty palms to death. Letting stress build can slowly deteriorate health and can cause major health risks. Managing stress and health are important ways to avoid health risks in the future. In order to manage stress and health better, a person must first be acquainted to the severe effects of stress in the body.

Living Healthy

How a person identifies stress is important to overall health. When stress becomes too huge to handle, the damage to a person’s physical and mental well-being can be irreversible. Living a healthy life can help a person cope with stress easily.

Exercise is very important in stress and health management. Along with a healthy diet, exercise is the most effective way to lower stress levels. It improves sugar metabolism through efficient use of insulin. Exercise also aids in putting a stop in the nasty cycles of stress-eating, indulgence to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

A person can also consider taking herbs, and anti-stress supplements. Taking vitamins and avoiding alcohol are successful methods in improving health and help a person cope with stress better.

Taking A Break

Having a vacation provides you the time to be with yourself and your family. Taking a break from long months of work and changing the scenery relieve stress. It is not bad to take a vacation if you think you deserve it.

There are so many steps you can take to reduce your stress. It depends upon your mood too. But I would advise you to take as early as possible.

Be Happy – Celebrate Lohri with Giving Up Your Mental Stress.