Different Options to Boost Your Energy : It’s nothing new or unusual, but a record number of Americans have complained at one time or another about feeling fatigued. Whether it is circumstantial, related to stress, or other environmental changes varies but one thing is for sure, if you don’t get enough sleep at night or wake up feeling lethargic day after day, it takes its toll on you after a while.
Work, participating in hobbies or social activities that once motivated you no longer seem to work as you’ve become to lack motivation.
Coffee may be the solution fatigued individuals across the board may turn to, but as with all good things, too much is not good for you. Increasing your caffeine intake can actually have several adverse effects you wouldn’t expect, including dizziness, shakiness, or an abnormal heartbeat. Many people turn to energy drinks to try and boost their energy levels but are met with some of the same unfavorable side effects as coffee. Not to mention the high cost of energy drinks, which average around $2 a can, but some charge up to $5 a can. So what can you do to boost energy levels in a way that your body will appreciate? We take a look at nad therapy and how it works to support your energy levels, as well as some easy ways you can boost energy levels at home.
What is Nad Therapy and How Does it Work?
To learn about nad therapy, put on your middle school science glasses and listen up. Mitochondria work as the powerhouse for nearly every cell in your body. When you’re young, your cells are rich with these mitochondria that would help keep you energized for longer. But as we age, the mitochondria can become damaged over time, which explains the lack of energy many adults complain of today. This is where nad therapy comes in. Nad therapy is an IV therapy drip that works to reenrgize the cells and provide you with an energy boost.
Nad stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coemzyne that interacts with oxygen in every cell of your body, including the mitochondria that once had you feeling great and energized when you were young. Nad therapy works to ressurect cells throughout your body. Everyone always says they wish they could “feel young again”, well, this may be your chance. Nad therapy makes its way through your body via an IV drip therapy that can take three to four hours to complete. You get to relax in a comfortable recliner while your body does the work. The only downside is this treatment is only avaliable in a few locations in California – Hollywood, Century City, and Studio City. They are also available in New York City and Maui. So while this many not be an accessible solution for everyone, if you’re near one of their six service areas we highly suggest giving nad therapy a try!
Increase Your Water Intake and Don’t Skip Meals
We’ve all had one of those day where you are burning the candle at both ends, and you don’t see a relief coming any time soon. So what do people do when they’re busy? They don’t drink as much water as their body needs, which causes dehydration. Dehydration can happen even quicker in the warm summer months, or if you are doing something outside to work up a sweat. The easiest possible solution is to up your water intake! If you’re feeling unexpectedly drained, think back to the last time you drank a bottle of water. Even something with electrolytes will help your body bounce back to normal.
Busy individuals also often make the mistake of skipping meals, with the number one reason being a lack of time. Whether it takes too long to cook or you were running late, skipping a meal can actually cause your energy levels to plummet! The proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in food provide the energy your body needs to keep going. So by skipping a meal to save time, you’re actually putting a limit on how long you feel energized as a whole.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is another great way to boost your energy levels, regardless of what exercise you may be doing. Taking a 30 minute walk, lifting weights, and yoga are all great examples of exercise that will increase the amount of oxygen in your body. The increased oxygen has a positive effect on the mitchodonria in your cells by producing more energy. But it’s important to get up and move every day in order for the positive effects to take place.
Spend Some Time Outside
The struggle of low Vitamin D levels are real, impacting both energy levels and whether our muscles are working to their best ability. So get outside and take in a few minutes of natural Vitamin D, or sunshine. Take Fido for a walk every day, using this as an opportunity to exercise and naturally increase Vitamin D. In the long run, this will work to maintain a healthy energy level.
No matter which option is your favorite, the time is now to boost energy levels and live your best life. Try two or three options at a time for best results, and to see what you enjoy the most!
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Different Options to Boost Your Energy
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