In any form of governance, the bureaucrats have to be strong enough to withstand changes in the political hierarchy in order to make the institution survives. Politicians, at the helm of affairs, come and go with alarming regularity. It is only the bureaucrats that hold the nation together by ensuring the implementation of the principles and the policies laid down in the constitution. Regrettably, no political party is prepared to concede even a modicum of independence to its civil servants, called the pillars of administration.
Another major challenge, a bureaucrats faces today is in the context of fast expanding role of Government in the economic, social and scientific spheres. Since he works under anonymity, the people do not know most of his problem. His code of conduct also prohibits from airing his feelings, disappointments and the resultant frustration. The system, as it exists today, fails to tap the full potential of the bureaucrats. Then there is the issue of excessive centralization. Ministers sit tight on vital policy matters making its implementation slow and tardy. Autonomy of bureaucrats is generally found conspicuous by its absence because of tactics adopted by the politicians.
We can define the code of conduct as follow:
1. The essential function of a bureaucrat is to counsel the political bosses in their need for making the right decision for the general good and common welfare. It comprises laying down the policy guidelines and then implementation them without fear or favor in light of the provisions made in the constitution and the ground realities all above the consideration for caste, creed or color.
2. Since they join the bureaucracy after touch competition, they must oppose nepotism, personal greed, undue pressure and corrupt practices of their bosses.
3. Bureaucrats have to be objective, fair, honest and dispassionate in the discharge of their duties. A bureaucrat who is imbued with zeal and enthusiasm, however, soon finds that all his sincere efforts to being useful to the society come to enough on account of political interference in his to-day working. As a result, enthusiasm wanes and either he works in tandem with his ever changing political bosses or treats his job as a routine one. In both cases it is the people who suffer.
4. For good governance, every issue needs protracted discussions with various parties before being resolved. This has compelled political parties to get committed bureaucrats to do the various jobs. The bureaucrats know how the system works, but they may not be fully aware of the difficulties at grass roots level. They must get exposure to the grass roots also.
5. They must present rational and incorruptible behavior with all who come in their contact without getting provoked due to any emotional attack. Their attitude should be of a zealous reformer who wants to bring about positive changes within the provisions of the Constitution. For that, they must oppose the wrongs if any committed by the political wing due to their vested interests.
6. In interest of the welfare of the nation, every member of bureaucracy is required to observe sincerely and diligently the duties and responsibilities enshrined for him.
If we all observe ideal code of conduct, we can ensure appropriate distribution of wealth amongst all.
Be Happy – Ensure Appropriate Distribution of Wealth Amongst All.