Everyday Wellness Begins With What you Take In : Many people make staying healthy a top priority in their lives. After all, maintaining a balanced diet, getting lots of regular exercises, and practicing good hygiene is the foundation for long, happy life. One of the most effective ways to make sure you and your family stay well is to pay close attention to what you are putting into your bodies.
Our world is full of potentially harmful chemicals and pollutants that can pose significant health risks if we don’t take measures to avoid them. Here are some tips to help you ensure that you and your loved ones only take in the best, most nutritious things in order to achieve optimal everyday health and wellness.
Water Wise
We all know that staying properly hydrated is a key element in achieving wellness goals. By drinking water instead of less healthy options like soda, juice, or sports drinks, you are ensuring that your body is getting exactly what it needs. But have you considered what might be in the water you’re drinking? According to one Arvada plumber, tap water from a typical city water treatment plant contains trace amounts of minerals and rust, which not only affects its taste but can also introduce unwanted elements into your body. Investing in a water treatment system to effectively filter out particles from the water you drink can be highly beneficial to your health your water will taste better, which will make you more likely to drink it! What’s more, you can feel good knowing that your drinking water is as pure as can be with each refreshing sip you or your family members take.
Take Your Vitamins
Experts suggest eating 5 fruits and veggies per day to get the recommended daily amount of nutrients to keep your body running at its peak. But let’s be honest – who has the time or the desire to eat that many fruits and vegetables in one day? It’s even more of an uphill battle to get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies, with many a dinner table becoming a battlefield as soon as Mom or Dad breaks out the broccoli. By taking a multivitamin each day, you can be sure that you and your loved ones are all receiving the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients the body needs to function well, no matter what your picky eater refuses to eat.
Say No to Sugar
According to a 2015 article published on The Conversation, overconsumption of refined sugar is the root cause of the epidemic-level proportions of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and other life-threatening conditions. It’s easy to see why sugar has been likened to cocaine and heroin for its highly-addictive attributes
sugary snacks and drinks are all around us, tempting us every day. While the best rule is to enjoy everything in moderation, it is vital to keep refined sugar consumption to a minimum, as it can literally be making us sick!
When we take care of our bodies, our bodies take care of us! Limiting or completely restricting harmful substances and contaminants while substantially increasing our intake of the good stuff – water, fruit, vegetables, legumes, and lean meats – can help ensure that we are living our best lives, staying healthy, and keeping ourselves in top shape to enjoy a long, happy, and enriching journey.
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Everyday Wellness Begins With What you Take In
wellness tip of the day, wellness tip of the week, simple health tips, health and wellness, healthy food, how to maintain good health, health and wellness tips for 2020, how to be healthy,