One of the primary functions of a couple mating is to meet their biological need and procreate. After getting children, they look after till they attain maturity. From the perspective of children, the family is a family of orientation: the family serves to locate children socially and plays a major role in their enculturation and socialization. From the point of view of the parent(s), the family is a family of procreation, the goal of which is to produce, enculturate and socialize children. A conjugal family includes only the husband, the wife, and unmarried children who are not of age. The most common form of this family is regularly referred to in sociology as a nuclear family.
At an early stage of development, a group of humans, say 30 to 100 people, had been formed to live in Open, elliptical camps with Simplistic technology. They practiced hunting and gathering most of the time. Women used to gather 80% of food supply, plant, manage distribution of food, care for children and build/repair shelters. Men were supposed to hunt, prepare the fields, care for children and build structures and children were there to help to gather food. Discipline was passive and they were cared for by siblings, parents, and other adults. At that time, the general ideology of these groups was typically egalitarian (no hierarchy of power; men, women, children cooperate) and monogamous. There were trial marriages, divorce not common, nor traumatic with no wealth to divide.
The rapid Industrialization dramatically changed the role of the family as an institution and unit of socialization. With the development of capitalism, the “nuclear family” concept arose. In physical context, we see solid permanent structures; doors close off families from one another, organized agriculture and flocks, private property with wider political and social contact. We see division of labor women and girls doing preservation and preparation of foods and remaining as domestic. Men and boys are there to care for flocks with broader social knowledge and ties. Some of them have groomed up themselves as public leaders. Marriage and divorce became more formalized (parents take control).
However, in the western society the single parent family has been growing more accepted and has begun to truly make an impact on culture. The majority of single parent families are more commonly single mother families than single father. These families face many difficult issues besides the fact that they have to rear their children on their own, but also have to deal with issues related to low income. Many single parents struggle with low incomes and must cope with other issues, including rent, child care, and other necessities required in maintaining a healthy and safe home.
A family in a traditional society forms the primary economic unit. This economic role has gradually diminished in modern times, and in societies like the United States it has become much smaller, except in certain sectors such as agriculture and in a few upper class families. In China the family as an economic unit still plays a strong role in the countryside. However, the relations between the economic role of the family, its socio-economic mode of production and cultural values remain highly complex.
The different types of families occur in a wide variety of settings, and their specific functions and meanings depend largely on their relationship to other social institutions. Sociologists have a special interest in the function and status of these forms in stratified (especially capitalist) societies.
The term “nuclear family” is commonly used, especially in the United States and Europe, to refer to conjugal families. Sociologists distinguish between conjugal families (relatively independent of the kindred of the parents and of other families in general) and nuclear families (which maintain relatively close ties with their kindred).
The term “extended family” is also common, especially in the United States and Europe. This term has two distinct meanings. First, it serves as a synonym of “consanguinal family”. Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it refers to kindred (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.
In contemporary Europe and the United States, people in academic, political and civil sectors have called attention to single-father-headed households, and families headed by same-sex couples, although academics point out that these forms exist in other societies. Also the term blended family or stepfamily describes families with mixed parents: one or both parents remarried, bringing children of the former family into the new family.
Contemporary society generally views family as a haven from the world, supplying absolute fulfillment. The family is considered to encourage “intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanizing forces in modern society.” During industrialization, the family as a repository of warmth and tenderness (embodied by the mother) stands in opposition to the competitive and aggressive world of commerce (embodied by the father). The family’s task was to protect against the outside world.” But the protective image of the family has waned in recent years as the ideals of family fulfillment have taken shape. Today, the family is more compensatory than protective. It supplies what is vitally needed but missing in other social arrangements”.
As a potter molds clay to form a beautiful creation, so does the strong bond of family and good values. Family bonds are a link to our beginning and a guide to our future. Early influences are fundamental to our individual development.
We all want to “belong” and feel accepted. A sense of belonging is derived from the strong bond of family. Family is where our roots take hold and from there we grow. We are molded within a unit, which prepares us for what we will experience in the world and how we react to those experiences. Values are taught at an early age and are carried with us throughout our life.
A close family bond is like a safe harbor where we find refuge. From trusting that someone will pick us up when we fall, as a toddler, to someone being there for us as we experience the storms in life – family bonds help to instill trust and hope in the world around us and belief in ourselves. Rituals of bedtime stories, hugs, holidays and daily meals shared together, provide a sense of warmth, structure and safety. These rituals and traditions, not only create memories and leave a family legacy, but create our first path in life – one that is positive.
Our very spirit can either blossom or wither within the family unit. When we don’t have the security and influence of strong family bonds early in life, the ground work is laid for an emptiness, that is often sought to be filled, through destructive venues. If one isn’t loved as a child, they may later seek love and acceptance in a way that brings them harm. There is a deep yearning to fill that hollowness, residing in the heart and soul, from never knowing what it’s like to be loved, accepted and appreciated for “being”.
There can be long-term effects from living in a detached
or dysfunctional family. The cycle is often repeated through generations. Children often grow up believing this dysfunctional unit is normal and they may gravitate toward people and situations that mimic the dysfunction they were accustomed to. A healthy relationship won’t be easily recognized because it’s foreign to someone who hasn’t lived within a close and loving family. Often drug and alcohol abuse or domestic violence is repeated, whether by a learned behavior or an escape from behavior that was poured upon an innocent child.
A child may have poor self-image, isolating themselves from peers at school or holding anger and pain inside. This not only affects the emotional well-being, but also physical well-being. The poor self-image may be with them throughout life, causing an inability to make positive choices or be close to others. It’s hard to succeed in life when the core of your being has never been nurtured. Healthy development begins before we are born by the choice parents make for the path their children will follow.
Strong family bonds help us to thrive in all aspects of life. Lack of these bonds can lead to forever seeking that something which is missing. Don’t take the value of family bonds for granted. You can mold a beautiful creation for today and the generations that follow!
Life can be difficult at times and it at those times we may need a support system. The best support you can get is an unconditional bond from your family.
Family is defined as any group of people closely related by blood. It can also be a group of people who are generally not blood relations, but who share common attitudes, interests or goals and, frequently, live together. A bond is defined as something that binds, fastens, confines or holds together. It is also to establish a close emotional relationship to or with another.
Family bonds have to be constantly worked at and renewed, but can grow stronger every day. Once in place you are held together no matter what is thrown at you. You know you are never alone. You work together day by day as a unit which can make life seem easier when times get tough.
A strong family bond can help you grow into a well rounded adult. Knowing there is a unit of support available whenever you need it can give you a confidence that nothing else can.
Family bonds are very important with the uncertainty in the world today. Loss of jobs, tight finances, divorce, serious illnesses and even gang related crime are some of the things that if you faced alone you may not be able to cope with. Standing united in your family unit is like a wall protecting you from a mighty force. It prevents you from being knocked down to the point where you cannot get back up again. There are people there behind you to pick you straight back up again.
To build a family bond it is vital to spend time together doing many different activities. Everyday things to build bonds with children make them feel special. Whether it’s putting washing in the dryer or cooking dinner, they love to be involved. Spending time with a partner if you have one will keep a bond tight so that you can work together to strengthen the family unit. Even if you can only manage an hour after the children have gone to bed to just sit together and forget any problems for a while. Then there is the most important part. Spending time as a family. A walk or a bike ride together can be fun and inexpensive. All of these things make sure that as a unit you are as strong as you can be.
Whatever size your family is, whether you are a single parent and one child, or a couple raising twelve children, the family bond is essential. Why is it essential? Because it helps shape our futures and make us who we are. This is important for the next generation and those generations still to come.
Family bonds have taken a beating in recent decades with the majority of marriages ending in divorces and children born to parents who choose to remain single. It seems that the days when families sat together for meals or spent any quality time together are long gone, but this is very untrue.
The nuclear family is almost extinct, replaced with single parent headed households, multigenerational homes and homes when families are blended together. All types of families can have the same strong values of long ago if the family unit chooses to work together and continue to be strong.
How can you find the time to have quality time when every one is so busy to keep the strong bond there, that answer is simply that you must take the time when someone has a need.
Family holds meetings as needed to discuss important events, so that everyone feels as if they are involved and their opinion matters. All the children know that they can discuss whatever is on their mind, they will be heard, and their suggestions if valid will be incorporated into action.
The parents can have the time to discuss issues on a personal level with the children, as needed. They must know that no subject is too hard to discuss. Occasionally you can discuss school or son’s job. They can have private discussions and treating them as though their opinions mattered since they were small has helped to strengthen the family bonds you may have with my children.
In a family, a daughter knows she can count on her brothers and me if she needs help with her two children. The boys learn about infants and toddlers on a first hand level and helping their sister, which is strengthening the family bonds between the children.
Family bonds are very important to every family, it is an essential part of the big picture. It is a life long series of events, and this is what is helping them to become strong productive members of society.
The family takes care of its older members. You can find in a family that at the age of 93, their dad may be slowing down. Although he may remain sharp in conversation about things that interest him, his short-term memory can diminish. He may not be as strong as he could be three years ago, when he thought nothing of climbing a ladder while carrying a bucket of reflective roofing material and then spreading it evenly over the surface of the roof-in 114 heat! He is not quite as adventurous as he was two years ago when he and a friend went on a tour of Europe.
In a family, no matter how angry any of the members may get, none should stop talking to each other. The parents have the right to be angry with you on some issue. But your progress does not authorize to back talk or show any disrespect to them as your parents will always talk in your interest. It can make your family as a strong unit. When you grow up, you must learn to make a choice between proving a point and remaining members of the same family. The latter choice will always win out. Family teaches you how to sacrifice for others, how to support the weak and enable them to stand on their feet.
Be Happy – Family Makes You Happy.