Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad

Showing 15 of 65 Results

Mother Almighty

Motherhood ain’t what it used to be Mother’s Day looms large for most of us—whether our mothers are alive or have passed on; whether our relationships with our mothers are positive or negative. While interviewing a number of mothers for this column, some with babies, others with grown children or grandchildren, and one great-grandmother, it became apparent that while some […]

You may Expect same treatment from your children as You treat Your Parents

Have you ever thought how you came in this beautiful world? If you believe in materialism, you may think that you are the result of bilateral relation consummated between your parents. It is very natural that at some stage of age, everyone of us feels some urge to meet our physical need, as it is destined by God while structuring […]

Adore Your Mother

A Mother’s love is something which no one can explain. It is made of deep devotion, sacrifice and pain. She has endless, unselfish and enduring attachment with her children to the last of her breath for nothing, whether that is a heap of currency notes, gold, treasures and/or other material things etc.,can destroy. Even when her heart is breaking, her […]