Gorgeous Women Look for in a Man

Dating gorgeous women takes a special kind of man. If she’s a bombshell, chances are she is used to men throwing themselves at her. After a while, her standards start to get pretty high. This doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance; you just need to learn how to impress her. Here are the top five things gorgeous women look for in a man.

Gorgeous women look for men with confidence. This is by far the most important factor that can make or break a potential partner. She probably already knows she’s beautiful, and she doesn’t need a man who thinks he’s not worthy of her. Show her you’re comfortable with yourself, and she’ll be more likely to say yes to a date with you.

Success is another thing gorgeous women look for in a man. Financial success, prestige, or impressive talents will always win over a beautiful girl. Women like to know that they found a real catch. Be tactful about approaching the subject, however. You’ll want to reveal your little secret in passing; don’t brag about your personal success, or she may think you’re arrogant.

Gorgeous women respect true gentlemen. Don’t underestimate the power of a little chivalry. She’ll notice when you pull out her chair for her or open the car door. A bouquet of roses isn’t too old fashioned for any woman these days. These little actions may not seem like much effort, but it shows her that you care about her enough to treat her like a princess.

Security is also important for gorgeous women. Even if she has a successful career or a stable income, she still appreciates a man who can take care of her. Beautiful women will always want a man who has his cards in order. For gorgeous single women, security is sexy.

All women want to laugh. You can win over a gorgeous woman with the right sense of humor. Whether you are sarcastic or silly, she’ll love that she can laugh with you during your time together. It’s important to feel comfortable on dates with beautiful women, and cracking jokes can break the ice. Since she’s probably used to dating attractive men, you’ll also be more memorable if she remembers how much fun you had together. Serious men are more likely to be refused a second date, because women just want to have a good time.

Most beautiful women are used to a dating scene that favors them. Sometimes it’s not obvious to women that you have exactly what they’re looking for. It’s up to you to show them all you have to offer. You just have to impress them with your unique qualities before they can say no. If you show gorgeous women upfront why you are the right guy for them, you’ll skip the guessing game and find the girl of your dreams.



Gorgeous Women Look for in a Man