How Dry Air Impacts Your Health and Wellness : Due to the adverse effects of the pandemic, health and wellness have become everyone’s top priority. Home workouts, lifestyle, and diet modification tips and tricks circulate through various social media platforms to keep a strong immune system. Nowadays, even mild colds and coughs make us anxious and worried about bacteria and viruses.
However, despite keeping yourself in good shape, you might have noticed how you get sick at the same time every year. Change in season is a natural phenomenon—the temperature rises or drops, which causes dry air in the environment.
What Is The Cause of Dry Air?
Cold or low temperature is the key factor in dry air development. This is because the air loses its ability to hold water or moisture when it drops.
Moreover, during the winter season, people inevitably turn to their home’s heating system to elevate the temperatures inside. Unfortunately, instead of producing a more humid environment, this may lessen and destroy the moisture left in the surroundings. Instead of creating a more comfortable temperature balance, your heating system adds to the dry indoor air.
Research shows that decreased air moisture may lead to various health problems. The good news is that there are quick, easy, and cost-effective solutions. For instance, you can do a dry nose treatment using items available at home.
How Dry Air Impacts Your Health and Wellness
Before you get into treatments, first, it is essential for you to know why having a high level of dry air is not ideal for your living space. Read on to find out more:
Disrupts Body Homeostasis
The nose and mouth are the primary receivers of the air we breathe, making them the first line of defense against harmful pathogens that enter our bodies. As parts of the upper respiratory tract, they filter and humidify the air for the lungs to receive.
When the air is dry and humid, the protecting mucous membrane is damaged. Bacteria, microbes, and viruses can now freely enter the body and develop various diseases or infections affecting the nose, mouth, lungs, and other organs.
The respiratory system plays a major role in our breathing, the exchange of gases in the lungs, and oxygen in our blood. Dry, humid air causes the fluids located in our nose, mouth, throat, trachea, and lungs to evaporate. As a result, it triggers asthma and induces inflammatory diseases and respiratory infections.
Depending on the strength of the body’s immune system, serious and fatal conditions can occur. Newborns, children, pregnant, the elderly, and individuals with comorbidities are highly susceptible.
Keep in mind that all your intrinsic and extrinsic body parts are linked. One problem can cause a domino effect on the rest. Our bodies are made up of 60-80% water. Thus, ensuring the right moisture level when seasonal changes happen is imperative to keep other body systems working correctly.
Triggers Different Kinds of Diseases
When there’s low humidity in the area, it can decrease air moisture. This can lead to:
- Infections
Research shows that cold weather makes bacteria and viruses replicate more than in warmer ones. Thus, there is an increase in the risk of infections and other inflammatory diseases during lower temperatures. - Lung Problems
Pneumonia, sinusitis, sore throat, and bronchitis are common during dry air season. When you already have asthma and respiratory problems, it can worsen and lead to more internal damage. - Eye Problems
The thin layer of protective coverings and fluid in the eyes can get irritated by dry air. Your eyes may feel dry, itchy, and painful, making you unproductive at work. Use rehydrating eye drops to moisture your eyes. - Skin Problems
Have you observed skin scaling during very cold or hot seasons? The skin dries and gets rough due to dehydration. Dry air can also develop indoors, such as using an air conditioner. Properly moisturize your skin using creams and lotions to prevent dermatitis and other skin conditions - Sleeping Problems
Getting up to drink water, twisting, and turning to find the most comfortable sleeping position is common. However, the dry air circulating in the entire house can further disrupt your sleep and worsen the symptoms of a pre-existing condition which may or may not be also caused by dry air. - Mental Health Problems
Acquiring diseases caused by dry air can make you feel anxious, stressed, and depressed. The easy tasks and simple errands seem to take forever to finish.
When your mental health is compromised, you get easily distracted, irritated, and frustrated at home or at work. Day-to-day productivity decreases as conditions worsen.
- Infections

Taking All into Consideration
Dry air disrupts your body homeostasis, causes varying conditions in the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, and skin, and affects your mental health. It can make you feel drowsy and lethargic, have headaches, and decrease your daily productivity.
It’s important to know these facts so you can consider preventive measures and treatments. Having dry air may be inevitable in some areas around the globe, but there are steps that you can take to prevent its adverse outcomes to your health and overall quality of life.
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How Dry Air Impacts Your Health and Wellness
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