How Home Automation Can Help You Save : Upgrading the devices you use on a daily basis, like your cellphone or personal computer, is standard practice these days. So, why wouldn’t you upgrade your house, too? Home automation is an exciting new frontier for homeowners everywhere. Smart thermostats, automated water lines and even smart ceiling fans are taking the housing industry. These technologies allow you to have more control over your energy usage from the palm of your hand. The incredible ability to manage your home like this allows you to enjoy a budget-friendly, green lifestyle. Check out E.C. Waters ways to save on your energy bill. Here are more some more ways you can upgrade your home:
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Home automation is a growing industry with a seemingly endless range of connected products that you can now manage from your phone. The value of the automation market is expected to hit $ 79 Billion by 2020. Learn How your investment in smart home system can actually help you save money.

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