How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts Forever : Nowadays, a lot of work is what’s on the mind of most people. Every day, people always go with the same routine: Home – Work – Home. Some people are so into their jobs that they forget the little things in life that make them happy. Due to a redundant routine that most people go through each day, most of these individuals get to experience a tremendous amount of stress.
Stress, by definition, is a state of mental or emotional strain on a person due to particular situations. Scientifically, the ways that people handle their stress depend on their gender, age, beliefs, and other significant factors.
For example, women tend to seek emotional help from close relatives and friends. Males, on the other hand, tend to cope with stress alone rather than talk about their problems. Arguably, everyone gets to experience stress every day. It’s the method in which a person sees and handles pressure.
In finding happiness and inner peace, a lot of people have difficulties in achieving a state of well-being. Individuals who don’t get to manage stress properly, dire consequences often happen as a result of mishandling stress. According to a study by several independent bodies, women are likely to experience suicidal ideations more than men.
For women, 19% of them had reported thoughts of having suicide. Men had a lesser rate at 14%. When it comes to acting out the idea, women also had the highest rates at 9% while males who acted out their suicidal thoughts were at 4%. Although the numbers and statistics lean more towards women, men are the most vulnerable with the majority of death by suicide are males.
With such an alarming rate, the healthcare sectors and government are working hand in hand to provide crisis hotlines wherein a person can call and talk about his or her problems. To prevent suicides, here are some ways to cope and reduce the buildup of stress.
How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts Forever
Finding the Source of Stress
Many people might feel that a lot of small and unimportant things are causing stress to their daily routines. This situation causes people to believe that stress can come from almost any angles. Finding the source of your problems is the first step in making yourself better. Instead of running away, confront your fears and see what you can do.
Although it may be easier said than done, you need to try it out. If facing your problems doesn’t quite help you in any way…
Ask for help
Don’t ever deny yourself from asking help from someone you trust. A lot of people deny this and see a cry for help as a sign of weakness. This belief is far from the truth. Asking for help is a sign of strength, it’s a sign that you’re open enough to acknowledge your faults and weaknesses. Getting to accept something is part of being on the road to a better you.
If your friends or relatives aren’t enough or you simply need more help, then there are people who specialize in things like counseling and talking about certain problems. Such people are doctors or therapists who know the scope and danger you’re in right now.
Hospitals, clinics, and other organizations such as the Suicide Prevention Hotline are groups who can help in assisting you or another person should they experience an internal crisis within them.
Enjoy the Little Things, Whenever You Have the Chance
Although this may sound weird, do try to enjoy the little things if you get the chance. At this very moment, you might be staring out the window, on a rainy day, thinking of something profound and sad. See how that raindrop runs smoothly down the window? See how it smoothly passes through the pane?
These small things can make you smile if you let it. Try smiling when you see something unusual, try looking for ways to laugh or smile about that thing. For example, a dog is playing with a ball. For others who see that dog, that’s just it. It’s a dog and a ball.
However, for you, try to see the small things, like how the dog plays with the ball, does she tumble, jump around, or bark at it? These little things might be unnoticeable for some, but for a person who’s going through a lot, the small things matter.
The mind should always be healthy the way the body is as well. Stress is a normal thing which a lot of people experience on a daily basis. It could be about work, relationships, financial problems, etc.
Always remember, before doing anything drastic, try reaching out. Try envisioning the people who are close to you. Try calling out and talking with someone. Life is a precious thing that we’re given, and not many get the chance to live it to the fullest. Enjoy the little things. If you or you know somebody who might need help, please contact the Suicide Prevention Hotline immediately for How to Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts Forever.
Brittany Miller is a writer and blogger who loves writing about health. She is also an aspiring nurse, that’s why her topics focus on helping people with physical injuries and emotional distress. She is currently working in the field of medical billing in Houston. When not writing or studying, Brittany enjoys going out with her friends.
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