How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome In The Gym

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome In The Gym : Nobody wants to feel like that person that’s got all the gear and no idea!

Imposter Syndrome can be described as a feeling of phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable, or creative despite evidence of high achievement. Sadly, it’s very easy to feel like this when entering a fitness space.

Sure, fitness spaces can be daunting, intimidating, or even outright confusing. Believe it or not, feeling like a fraud in the gym is quite a common feeling. The good news is, I am going to show you exactly how to ditch this feeling and enter your gym feeling confident and ready to enjoy a successful workout! Stop suffering from ‘imposter’ syndrome and feel like you’re in charge of your own training.

Knowledge is power when training

A mistake people make when entering the gym is feeling like a fraud because they have no idea what they are going to do. Getting to the gym clueless is the equivalent of turning up to an exam having done no preparation.

Tip from coach Liam Coultman of If you want to avoid feeling like an imposter then plan your workout before you get there. Ensure you know what you are going to do, what body part and what set and rep range you are going to train in. Planning your workout will ensure you can get to the gym feeling confident, and perfectly able to get on with your workout.

Stop comparing yourself to others

When in the gym, it’s easy to look at others and assume they know more, are more confident and look better than you. This type of thinking has to stop. Comparing yourself to others gets you nowhere, all it does is make you feel bad about yourself.

It’s important to remember that everyone has their own goals and reasons to be there. This includes the super-sculpted gym buffs and the weight loss warriors. Everyone is equal so focus on your fitness goals, why you are there, and what you want to achieve.

It really doesn’t matter how heavy you lift

Because you aren’t lifting seriously heavy weights, or you’re not the fittest in the class doesn’t mean you have to feel like an imposter. You don’t have to be the strongest or the fittest at all when you are stepping into your gym.

Indulge in the thought you are doing your best. Every rep, every set, and every bit of exercise counts, no workout is ever wasted. As time goes on you will improve and you have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

Get a training partner

It might sound like an obvious but getting a training partner is a great way to tackle imposter syndrome. Having someone there to train with is a great way to remove anxiety and build confidence in your exercise environment.

Having a training buddy doesn’t usually give you time to even think that you either don’t belong or shouldn’t be there. Having a training partner means you can push one another, entertain one another, and enjoy the environment you’re in a little bit more.

Enjoy what you are interested in

The best way to not feel like an imposter is to do what you enjoy. Everyone has different interests when in the gym. Don’t force yourself to do something you are unsure of or not interested in because you feel like you have to.

Allow yourself to do what you enjoy. This might be partaking in fitness classes, lifting weights, cardio sessions, or mindfulness exercises such as Yoga and Pilates.


If you can relate to any of the above then know you are not alone. Judging yourself unfairly when thinking about or being at the gym, thinking why am I here, should I even be here with all the people that know what they are doing is pretty common.

But you can take control of imposter syndrome and when you do, your training and exercise experience will soar to new heights!

Hopefully, after reading this you realize that you can stop this way of thinking. I want you to be hitting up your training space with confidence, passion, and knowing you have a right to be there.







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How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome In The Gym