How to Stay Focused At Work During a Divorce

How to Stay Focused At Work During a Divorce : Has the divorce process caught you by surprise and left you unable to work as usual? We got you! Staying sane and concentrated while going through a break-up and its legal outcomes isn’t an easy nut to crack. Many couples end up in psychotherapists’ offices due to failing to live their lives as they’ve used to before starting the divorce process.

To bring back your work productivity and help you stay focused on your work, we collected the following effective tips. Let’s make working through a divorce possible together!

Schedule your daily activities

The first thing you have to do is get used to planning your days and weeks during the divorce. It’s crucial for staying on track of your work tasks as well as completing the procedure step-by-step. Schedule your week ahead in either an online calendar or on paper: both options will work but remember to add your divorce appointments there as well so that they wouldn’t stay out of your attention. All meetings with your spouse, attorneys, filing terms, etc. should be noted there.

Find out the divorce stages deadlines

Before you start the filing process, find out how a divorce looks like in your state. Educate yourself on the process with the help of state online resources and local laws. Feel free to consult with the court workers regarding the way you should file your papers and when it has to be done. Also, find out the terms of serving the papers to your spouse, how they should confirm they received them, when your court hearings are due, and so on. It’s worth putting all those deadlines in your calendar and turning on notifications about them to keep them in mind.

Don’t procrastinate when it comes to urgent tasks

As for your work, remember that you won’t get any extra time in days to get your tasks done. Therefore, it’s important to learn to differentiate among them and understand which are urgent and which can be done later in the day or week. Also, don’t plan important calls and meetings in the second half of the day: by this time, you’re likely to be exhausted and willing to do some routine that doesn’t require much of your concentration. So, shifting easy and monotonous activities to the last working hours will save you from further fatigue and anxiety.

Get an attorney in case of litigation

If you have a tough break-up with your partner, the question of how to deal with divorce, work, and stay on top of your productivity can be really tricky. It’s especially true if you’re aware of potential issues that your spouse can put up at the court to postpone the case. To not let that happen and feel more confident, feel free to get legal advice, and don’t blame yourself for the inability to handle the process on your own. It will help you stay focused on your other activities, including your work, if you’re not having to deal with the legal difficulties yourself.

Opt for an uncontested divorce if possible

In case of a peaceful split-up with your spouse, consider going through a simple divorce process. To do that, create a settlement agreement with your future ex, file for divorce online, and get back to your work without any worries. Choosing an uncontested divorce will save much of your time and allow you to stay productive since all you need to do is file your papers and wait for the judge to approve your divorce. No additional appointments in the court will be needed for you.

Talk to your manager

Getting through a divorce and keeping up high results in work will not be possible without your genuine cooperation with your boss. Talk to them about what’s going on in your life and explain what changes it brings to the quality and speed of your work. They’ll see whether it’s possible to delegate some of your tasks and projects to other people in the team to continue getting the same results with less participation of yours.

Remember about priorities

During the divorce, you have to remember that it’s an as important project as the ones you have at your workplace. Therefore, be sure to do the divorce-related issues right after finishing your urgent tasks at work. The other things like meetings with your friends, attending interest clubs, etc., can be left aside until the divorce is over (or, at least, until your major projects at work are done).

Don’t take extra work during a divorce

Although work can help to distract yourself from the divorce matters a lot, don’t be tempted to stay extra hours at work or get additional responsibilities during this time. It’s very easy to exhaust yourself by trying to be too busy with your job even if you like it a lot. Keep in mind that your stress and anxiety levels are pretty high right now and you don’t need to get more things to be worried about.

Refrain from having any fun if you have work to do

On the other hand, some people think that alcohol and parties can help them get over a divorce and forget about this unpleasant period in their lives. Don’t follow their example if you want to keep your job and stay productive there: you will surely have a party after getting your divorce decree. Therefore, it’s better to keep working now and do your thing as needed instead of celebrating the event that isn’t finished yet. By the way, alcohol doesn’t help you to decrease stress: it only fools your mind and changes its state. Once you’re sober, you’ll notice that you still have problems to resolve.




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How to Stay Focused At Work During a Divorce

how to stay focused, how to file a divorce, how to get divorce, how to increase focus,