How to Stay Slim After Pregnancy

How to Stay Slim After Pregnancy : After pregnancy it’s time to start getting your body back into shape—which basically means losing some weight but the question is, where do you start?

If you’re not confident about where to start, we’ve got verified tips and advice for working your way back to your pre pregnancy shape—or even better! Read on for tips to losing the weight and stay slim after pregnancy.

Want to stretch your legs muscle and thighs but your baby will not let you go?

There comes the time when your baby refused to be put down or be given to someone else and you found yourself not being able to do anything. Every mother will get a chance to go through this moment, so what are you going to do?

If your baby loves to play then here is a suggestion for you: Go to the bed with your baby, lay on your back and let your baby sit on your legs right next to your feet. Make sure to hold your baby safely, comfortable, and sitting by facing you. Then lift your legs up and down while playing with your baby at the same time.

When you had enough lifting your legs up and down, make sure to put your baby down safely. It will not be easy to get your body up without support from both of your hands and legs. Lift your legs up again and slowly let your baby slides down (make sure he is still facing you) until he reaches your tummy.

How to Stay Slim After Pregnancy



One and a half month after giving birth is a good time to go for a swim but this also depends on the method of delivery you went through. You may need a longer time if you had undergone a cesarean method.

If you have regular place for swimming then plan swimming session every weekend. You would need somebody to take care of your baby and that can be your spouse, your mother, or anyone you are comfortable to give your baby to.

Do make sure to give a proper stretch and exercise to your muscles first before swimming because muscles cramp can be really bad if you get attacked. And if you were being in the pool during the cramp then you are going to find it hard to get out without a help from somebody.


Washing Clothes by Hand

OK, so putting your dirty clothes in best stackable washer dryer rather than washing them by hand is the easy way out, but believe it or not, the bending and reaching action by hand will help you fight against extra weight and the advantages are that it will work your arms and abdominal muscles as you wash the clothe by hand.


Short jogging

If your spouse is happy to take your baby for a walk in the evening then take a chance to do a short jogging every now and again. You don’t necessarily need to go to a jogging track because you can just run about anywhere including outside your house.

But always remember that if you ever decide to do the swimming and jogging you will need to wear comfortable shoes and watch your time because being a mother is never like when you used to live as a single and by the time you are back your baby probably is already demanding for his mother.

So make sure to plan your time well in order to catch your breath and have a little rest and shower before you take your baby again.


By following these tips you are not only keeping yourself healthy, fit, and to stay in shape but also not all of them require you to leave your baby while doing it. Parenting is a huge job for every one of us and it takes most of our times that we barely are able to do something personal for ourselves. But we all do want to be happy and feel good about ourselves and our appearances at some point.





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How to Stay Slim After Pregnancy

how to reduce weight after pregnancy home remedy, how to reduce weight after cesarean delivery, how to reduce weight after delivery at home, post pregnancy weight loss diet plan, how to lose weight after pregnancy while breastfeeding, quickest way to lose weight after having a baby, rapid weight loss after pregnancy,