Human Growth Hormone plays vital role in our life (Part 1)

In earlier two posts on Human Growth Hormone, I had submitted a few lines on their role in our ageing process and treatment of the diseases created by them. They have undoubtedly a vital role in our life otherwise too.

If you, your child, or someone you know is experiencing growth hormone deficiency, you might be seriously considering taking human growth hormone (HGH) products, injections, or supplements to counter the effects of growth hormone deficiency. Although HGH has known benefits, some research studies suggest that there are side effects in the use of these HGH treatments and found to be dangerous for human use. That’s why, before you take any of these HGH products, you must first educate yourself with this essential human growth hormone information.

What is HGH?
The human growth hormone (HGH) is a hormone released and distributed throughout the body by the pituitary glands. Also called as somatropin, this hormone is famous for its anti-aging properties since it functions mainly by controlling the growth process and maintaining the organs and tissues throughout life. During childhood, this hormone is abundant; however, as people get older, lesser growth hormones are produced. This reduced hormone production then leads to the use of human growth hormone (HGH) products, supplements, or injections to counter this deficiency. Although there is little evidence suggesting that HGH does keep men and women younger, most of its benefits can bring improvement to ones health.

What are the known benefits of HGH?
Based from research, the use of human growth hormone can very much provide these benefits:
1) Decrease body fat
2) Improve skin quality
3) Build some muscle
4) Improve memory
5) Protect vital cells
6) Improve mood
7) Improve immune system
8) Regulate sleep
9) Promotes healthier joints and strong bone growth
10) Strengthen lungs and heart, improving cardiovascular performance and blood flow.
Who needs human growth hormone?
Those experiencing growth hormone deficiency, children and adult alike, may use human growth hormone products, supplements, or injections. This is also true to those suffering from AIDS- or HIV-related muscle wasting. But take note: the synthetic HGH, which must be injected, is available only by prescription. It is against the law to obtain it in any other means.

What are the side effects of using human growth hormone?
Only those who have growth hormone deficiency, may need human growth hormones. But for those who don’t need it, it may cause various side effects such as joint pain, muscle pain, changes in the vision, abdominal pain or bloating, itching, rashes, vomiting and nausea, fatigue, ear infections, headache, and breast tissue enlargement for men. It can also contribute to health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. So, you have to keep in mind that if you give human growth hormone especially to children with normal growth, some serious side effects may take place since their HGH levels in the body will become too high.
Human growth hormones have been proven beneficial to many people experiencing growth hormone deficiency. But because of this very same reason, some people tend to abuse its use; and now, this has become more popular than ever. You can actually find lots of HGH products and supplements in the market, but be cautious. There are more scams out there than genuine HGH products. So to be 100% sure, better consult a qualified doctor. Through consultation, you will know exactly the usage of HGH with regards to the dose as well as the term. Keep in mind that higher consumption and long-term use than what is only recommended can be more detrimental to your health than beneficial.
Exploring The Human Growth Hormone Supplements.
Human growth hormone is a very intriguing hormone of the human body. It is the primary controller of the growth processes in the body and aids in different metabolic processes. It has also been studied since it was discovered. The discovery of HGH opened new possibilities and new horizons for the field of endocrinology.
Aside from exploring the methods on how HGH diseases can be treated, researchers also focused on the possibilities that human growth hormone can be a weapon against aging. Today, there are different HGH products and supplements that are available in the market and even the internet.
Initially, HGH products were used for treating HGH diseases and were available if one has a prescription on the product. Now, HGH products are widely distributed with or without prescription. One of the reasons of this proliferation is the idea that HGH products can help slow down the aging process.
First product is the Somatrophinne. Somatrophinne is a mix of HGH, amino acids and growth factors. This product is designed to kindle greater production of HGH by the pituitary gland. It claims that is has no side effects. Somatrophinne can be consumed through capsules and is cheaper than the injectables. It is frequently used for anti-aging, weight loss, body-building, better sleeps and increased metabolism. Kindly take your health care taker’s advice on it.
Another product is the Renuva Generator which promises to stop or reduce certain aging factors. Renuva is made up of HGH releasers and a mix of nutritional ingredients that supports the production of growth hormone. The product claims that it has the finest active ingredients that include HGH precursors, HGH secretagogues and stress relievers. Kindly take your health care taker’s advice on it.
Another product is the ProBlen human growth hormone products. These products claim that they have the highest quality products in terms of HGH supplements. ProBlen presents their products in a combo of men and women anti aging products. These products, HGH Plus, contain growth factors like any other products. Kindly take your health care taker’s advice on it.
There are still many products that are available in the internet and in the market. The mentioned products only served as examples on how these products are made and what are their claims. But, can aging be actually reversed? Are these products really effective?
Aging is an inevitable process and this process still goes on with or without these HGH supplements on anti-aging. While it is true that they provide youthful vigor to the users, these are only temporary. Everybody goes through the aging process. There had been no reports of people defying age and reversing the aging process. Well, Benjamin Button reversed the aging process but he was born as an old man so it’s still practically the same. People can not escape the aging process. However, the bright side on these supplements is that they give temporary happiness to the users; it gives temporary strength to be able to enjoy life again.
Human growth hormone products sure do present possibilities in the human’s fantasy to reverse aging and to remain young. However, these dreams of anti aging cost a fortune with every pill and every injection that an individual goes. What ever happened to the cliché that dreaming is free? Well, in this case, the dreams of remaining young are costing every user a huge sum of money. If these HGH supplements provide happiness, then happiness is really expensive.
Be Happy – Human Growth Hormone plays vital role in our life (Part 1)