As we are aware, Human growth hormone is an important hormone in the human body. It is secreted by the pituitary gland that is located in the brain. The growth hormone is a major product of the pituitary gland and is specifically produced by somatotrophs in the anterior part. The growth hormone is often referred to as somatotrophin and is responsible for controlling growth and has effects in metabolism processes.
Somatotrophin is specific to every species which means that different species have different growth hormone. It is a peptide consisting of 191 amino acids. It is secreted in explosions and not secreted throughout the day. The secretion of growth hormone increases before sleeping. The amount of secretion of somatotrophin, together with thyroid and sex hormones, affect the height of the individual. Aside from affecting growth, somatotrophin also plays a role in controlling metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fat. Growth hormone is very important in every individual’s maintenance of body composition.
The production of growth hormone is increased and decreased by certain factors. These factors include stress, nutrition, exercise and sleep. However, the primary regulators of HGH are growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), somatostatin and Ghrelin. GHRH stimulates the synthesis and production of the growth hormone. Somatostatin is a peptide produce by hypothalamus and stops growth hormone release in response to GHRH and other motivating factors. Ghrelin powerfully stimulates production of growth hormone through binding with somatotrophs.
Growth hormone has two distinct types of effects in the body. These effects are;
1) Direct effects
2) Indirect effects
Direct effects are the results of binding between growth hormone receptors and target cells. One example of this is the effect of growth hormone binding with fat cells which results in the breaking down of triglyceride in fat cells and prevents them from taking and circulating lipids. On the other hand, indirect effects are brought about by Insulin like growth factor-I (IGF-I). This hormone is secreted as a response to growth hormone. It is also one of the primary aides of growth hormone in affecting growth.
HGH together with IGF-I have significant roles in different processes in the body. Examples of these processes are:
1) Growth of all tissues including repair
2) Turning body fat into muscle
3) Energy level improvement
4) Bone strength
5) Brain function
The body actively produces growth hormones during childhood and puberty years. This active production results to height increase in individuals. However, at the end of puberty years, secretion of growth hormone decreases. It continuously decreases as people grow older. The decrease in the production of growth hormone contributes to weakness of bones in older people and their loss of strength. In some cases, children are born with growth hormone abnormalities. Growth hormone deficiency results in low stature of an individual. Excessive growth hormones result in having too much height.
Human growth hormone is very important in as much that is has become the subject of research. Researchers are continuously finding ways to use growth hormones in reversing aging and increasing muscle mass. Several researchers and companies have produced HGH products. These products are mainly used in treating HGH diseases. They are available in injections, pills and oral sprays. These HGH products and supplements are also being used in combating age.
HGH products are induced into the body to increase the HGH secretion therefore making the user feel young again. However, the fact remains that age can not be defeated and the aging process is inevitable for every human.
HGH is found in every individual. It is unique in every species therefore; human growth hormones are different from animal growth hormones. There is a fixed range of HGH that needs to be present in an individual to be able to optimize his potential for growth. However, not all individuals have the right number of hormones to grow normally. There are cases where in HGH is deficient or excessive. The excess or deficiency in HGH results to diseases and affects the human’s growth.
Growth hormone deficiency can happen in both children and adults. Children with brain tumors, Prader Wili syndrome and genetic defects are at risk to have this deficiency. Growth hormone deficiency in children often results to growth abnormalities which are composed of delayed teenage years, delayed secondary tooth eruption and short physique. Growth hormone deficiency can be classified into four types:
1) Classic
2) Hypothalamic
3) Functional
4) Idiopathic
Classic GHD is often referred to as pituitary GHD and comprises of the inability of the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone. The malfunction of the hypothalamus to make or spread the neuroendocrine messaging hormone characterizes the Hypothalamic GHD. Functional GHD is the break down of other hormone and functions of metabolism that causes the incapability of the pituitary gland to utilize or secrete growth hormones.
A child with growth hormone deficiency often manifests the disease in his physical characteristics. He is often small, with an immature face and a chubby body. The growth rate of all body parts in every child that has GHD is very slow to make his body proportion normal.
Another type of human growth hormone disease in children is the excessive number of HGH. This disease is often referred to as gigantism and is extremely rare compared to growth hormone deficiency. Gigantism is characterized by overly tall stature for children. Other manifestations of the disease are enlarging head size and a high up forehead.
The deficiency and excessive presence of growth hormones in children can be detected and examined through several procedures. The usage of weight and growth chart is vital in determining the height range of a child according to their age. Any child who is smaller than his predicted height in the chart or is as tall as children two years younger than him should be tested by a physician. The earlier the growth hormone deficiency or excess is identified, the easier it is to cure or even to prevent further damages.
Children who have abnormal height are evaluated by paediatric endocrinologists. The evaluation includes observing the growth rate of a child in a given period of time, determining the history of puberty in the family of the child and details about the birth of the child. An alternative way of testing for human growth hormone diseases is measuring the amount of growth hormone through blood samples. This method involves the hospitalization of the child to gather blood samples in 24 hours.
The presence of human growth hormone in children is important for their proper growth. Manifestations of growth hormone diseases can be easily seen through observing a child. It is up to parents to be watchful of their children. Regularly check your child’s height. If any abnormalities are present, be sure to consult a doctor. With proper guidance and under a watchful eye, human growth hormone diseases in children can be prevented and cured.
Be Happy – Human Growth Hormone plays vital role in our life.