Human growth hormone is a hormone that contributes to the growth and metabolic processes in the human body. It is produced by the pituitary gland and secreted in bursts. Although HGH is produced all throughout a man’s life, the amount or the intensity of secretion decreases as a person ages.
The secretion of HGH affects bone growth, bone density composition, muscle mass and other composition of the body. It is through this secretion that the ideal growth of an individual is achieved. However, there are persons that have lack of HGH or have an excess of it. The excess and deficiency in the growth hormone is referred to as HGH diseases and is treated with different HGH products and supplements. However, these HGH products primarily designed for treatment of HGH diseases are now being used for anti aging purposes. Before purchasing or using any HGH products, we may take a look at the different kinds of HGH supplements and products.
HGH supplements are taken through injections, pills, oral sprays and natural herbal releasers. HGH injectables are the most expensive HGH supplements. They are administered three times a day. Every injection might cause $25 and summing it all, a person might spend $75 everyday. Injectables are considered to be effective since they are directly injected to the body through the skin. Injectables basically contain HGH in able to supplement for the deficiency or to increase the HGH level.
HGH injectables require cleanliness and choosing the right injection site. Before going through an injection, a patient must make sure that he has washed hands properly to avoid contamination of the medicine to be injected. With regards to injection sites, different sites must be used for different injections. Excellent site injections are the buttocks, the abdomen and the thighs. These sites have tissues that can easily absorb the injection and can stand pain. Dosages of injections vary from an individual to another individual.
Generally, HGH oral sprays are administered through the mouth. The formula in the spray is absorbed by the soft tissues in the mouth and flows into the blood stream. The effectiveness of oral sprays is still being questioned because some studies reveal that HGH can not penetrate to the body through the oral membrane.
Human growth hormone pills are basically taken as any vitamin or supplement. The only difference is the ingredients and the effects of the HGH pills on HGH levels and HGH secretion. Human growth hormone natural releasers are considered to be the best supplement for HGH. Producers claim that these products do not have synthetic substances. It is made up of normal ingredients that help boost the HGH level in the human body. Furthermore, these natural herbal releasers also claim that they do not have side effects.
Human growth hormone supplements have a huge market with regards to people who have HGH diseases. However, the market that these products cater to is not confined to the individuals who have HGH diseases but have expanded to the people who want to slow down the aging process.
Human growth hormone is being tapped as the elixir of youth thus providing old people with the chance to experience youth again. The above mentioned supplements claim that they can increase HGH levels and can give benefits to old people. However, these supplements don’t come without the treat of side effects. HGH supplements are there to increase HGH level of a person but that person should be ready for the side effects.
Entering The World Of Sports: Human Growth Hormone Products Banned
Human growth hormone’s primary endeavour is to control the growth processes of the individual. It dictates the height of an individual and plays a role in different metabolic processes. However, HGH is not confined to these roles as science has delegated other roles to it.
The first role is HGH as a weapon against aging. Aging is often considered by others as a disease that needs to be prevented. HGH supplements have been designed to increase HGH levels to provide elder people the characteristics of being a youth again.
Another role of the HGH is the alleged effects of the hormone to the performance of an athlete. Athletes have been using HGH supplements to enhance their performance in different sports. Athletes who used HGH were banned in the 1988 Tour de France because of the enhancement effects of the hormone. HGH is known to have an effect in bone density, muscle mass and the whole body composition.
HGH has been banned from the sports world like steroid. But what are the differences of steroid and HGH? Anabolic steroids have been proven to truly increase an athlete’s performance. On the other hand, there are still doubts about the effectiveness of HGH supplements and its effect to the body. Recent studies show that taking HGH does not really affect the athlete’s performance at all. Increased muscle mass, denser bone composition and increase in lean body tissue does not necessarily equate to better performance. Another difference is that steroids have many side effects while experts say that HGH has few side effects and is not harmful to the body.
Although HGH intake has significant effects in the exercise aptitude of an athlete, these effects do not equate to the improvement of performance in an athlete. These effects include increase in lactate levels, levels of plasma free fatty acids during exercise, higher heart rate during exercise and higher maximum aspiratory pressure at rest.
The possession of HGH supplement or product is considered a violation in the sports world. Possession of these products can ruin one’s career and dreams.HGH is a banned product in almost all sports.
Athletes who have been found to be possessing HGH supplements have been banned from their respective sports. These athletes are accused of enhancing their performance through the involvement of drugs. However, the officials that banned these athletes ought to look at the effects of HGH and decide if the punishment on the athletes is just.
Athletes must also review the effects of HGH supplements. Why sacrifice your career if there is no assurance that these HGH supplements truly work and can give you benefits? Experts say that there is a better way to obtain HGH than to patronize HGH supplements.
According to studies, the secretion of HGH hormone can be increased naturally. Some of the steps to do to optimize HGH secretion are to sleep early, observe proper diet, and avoid being stressed and proper exercise. Stress, sleep and exercise are some of the factors that affect the amount of secretion of the HGH.
Human growth hormone is indeed explored for its many uses. Since it was discovered, it had been the subject of researchers to know every possible function that it serves in the body. Athletes had believed that HGH can increase athletic performance but this belief doesn’t have a scientific basis. As far as athletic performance is concern, it is still best for athletes to show their true potential without the help of any drug or supplement.
Be Happy – Human Growth Hormone plays vital role in our life.